Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Barker, Clarence A.  1944
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Patty Theurer May 22, 2006, 12:20 am

Independent Enterprise November 23, 1944
Independent Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, November 23, 1944

Washoe Farmer Called By Death

Clarence A. Barker, 63, who farmed in the Washoe district since 1917, passed 
away at his home there last Friday.

Funeral services were held at the Landon Funeral home Monday afternoon with the 
Rev. Paul Felthouse of the Baptist church in charge.  Interment was in 
Riverside cemetery.

Mr. Barker was born Oct. 21, 1881 in Newton County, Mn, and was married to Miss 
Thressa Channer Nov. 26, 1914. They moved to the Washoe district in 1917 and 
continued their home there.

He is survived by his son Oakley of Washoe, a granddaughter, a brother Henry of 
Payette.  Four brothers, William, John L., George and Charles died within the 
last year.

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