Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Baker, Jessie Mae 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson March 21, 2006, 7:15 pm The Payette Independent 7-15-1926 The Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Thursday, July 15, 1926 PASTOR'S WIFE PASSES AWAY The sympathy of the community will go out to Rev. L. G. Baker, pastor of the Pentacostal church, whose wife passed away at Tacoma, Washington, where they had gone on a visit to her relatives. The end came Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and she passed away quietly, being reconciled and prepared to go. Everything possible that the best physicians in a Tacoma hospital could do for her was done, but to no avail. Funeral services were held in Tacoma today (Thursday) and were conducted by Elder Frank Gray, pastor of the Tacoma church and chairman of the northwest district of the Pentacostal Assembles of God. Rev. Baker had returned to Payette to assist in starting the revival here, being assured by the hospital physicians that his wife was doing nicely, but the change for the worse came Sunday afternoon and he was summoned by telegraph. A more extended obituary will be given on his return. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb