Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Baker, Isaac Newton 1915
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New Plymouth Sentinel 11-25-1915
New Plymouth Sentinel
New Plymouth, Idaho
Thursday, November 25, 1915


Isaac Newton Baker died at his home a few miles west of the city, quietly 
about midnight Monday, November 22, after a brief but severe attack of 
pneumonia. The decreased was born in Sangaman county, Illinois, on December 
8th, 1849 and was 66 years old at the time of his death. On April 21, 1870 he 
was married to Miss Sarah E. Post. In 1880 he moved to Nebraska and later to 
this state, where he has lived since; the past 13 years being spent at his 
home near this city. His wife and two boys survive the deceased. Harry Baker, 
one of the sons, lives near the Baker home and the other, Charles lives in 
Omaha, Neb; where he is manager of an electric road. Mrs. Baker, overworked by 
the sickness of her husband, lies critically ill with pneumonia at this 
writing and much doubt is entertained if she is able to attend the funeral or 
even survive the shock. 

Funeral services have not been made, pending the arrival of Charles Baker, but 
it is probable they will be held Friday or Saturday of this week. Interment 
will be made in Park View cemetery. Mr. Baker has for over 30 years been a 
member of the Modern Woodmen Lodge and was also a member of the Royal 
Highlanders, and it is probable that the funeral services will be conducted by 
one of these lodges. 

Mr. Baker will be sadly missed New Plymouth. His cheery voice and kindly 
manner have smoothed over the rough places for many people of this vicinity, 
and his many kindly and neighborly acts will always be remembered by the many 
friends and neighbors who he assisted during the time he has resided in this 
valley. He was quiet proficient along musical lines earlier in life. 

Funeral Friday

The funeral services will be held at the Baker home Friday afternoon at 2 

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