Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Baker, Abbie 1928 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson January 29, 2006, 6:49 pm The Payette Independent 9-6-1928 The Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Thursday, September 6, 1928 OBITUARY Abbie M. Baker, widow of the late Gen. W. Baker, the well known Payette banker for 20 years, who died in Portland, Oregon seven years ago, passed away in Sutter Hospital at Sacramento, California, Thursday morning, August 30th. Mrs. Baker had been visiting her sister near Valeano, California, since early in June, having been taken seriously ill more than three weeks previous to her death. Her only daughter, Mrs. Earl Veneable and grand-daughter, Virginia Veneable, of Washington, D. C. were with her for more than two weeks and up to the time of her death. Also a son, Mr. Geo. A. Baker, of Hollywood, California, was with her during her last hours. She had made her home with her daughter for the past seven years. Mrs. Baker, whose maiden name was Abbie M. Ellis, was born near Milwaukee, Wis., in 1850, moved to Iowa with her parents at the age of ten years. She was married to Geo. W. Baker at Altoona, Iowa, moving from that place to Des Moines, where the family resided nearly 30 years, coming to Payette in 1902, where they made their home for 20 years, enjoying the high esteem and warm friendships of all who knew them. Funeral services were held at Portland, Oregon, at 4 o'clock, Saturday, September 1st, from the Chapel of J. R. Finley & Son, Rev. Dean, of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was in Mt. Scott Cemetery, beside her husband, who died in April 1921. Mrs. D. W. Alney, sister-in-law, and Mrs. Jack Whalen, a niece were in attendance from Payette. Deceased is survived by six children, as follows: Claude M., Chicago, Ill.; Ward E., Clear Lake, Iowa; Malcolm D., Seattle, Washington; Geo. A., Hollywood, California; Dwight S., Glendale, California; Mrs. Earl Venable, Washington, D. C., and one sister, Mrs. H. E. Ginanini, of Volcano, California. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb