Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Bailey, Milton 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson December 12, 2005, 9:39 pm Payette Enterprise 1-30-1919 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, January 30, 1919 DEATH OF MILTON BAILEY Mr. Milton Bailey passed away at his home on North Sixth street Friday January 24th at 2:30, after a continued illness of about four years, and during the last eight months was confined to the house with intense suffering. Mr. Bailey was born near Indianapolis, Ind., March 18th, 1845; when quite young moved with his parents to Illinois; in 1871 moved to Nebraska where he took up a homestead and three years later was united in marriage to Miss Mary Catherine Zahaller. To this union four daughters were born; one died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey remained on their homestead in Nebraska until April 1910, at which time they moved to Payette where they have resided until the time of his deah. Mr. Bailey united with the Christian Church early in life, and later became a member of the Methodist church and has continually lived a Christian life. He has been a kind and gentle husband and father, and has won the respect of all who have known him where ever he has lived. He bore his long continued sickness with patience, ever looking forward to the hour when the death angel would come to his relief. He leaves to mourn his death a wife and three daughters; the daughters are Mrs. Charley B. Scott, living on the old homestead in Nebraska, Mrs. W. H. Mullin of Ontario, Oregon, and Melessa Mullen, the youngest, who is at home with her mother. Funeral service was held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 P.M., conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb