Payette-Ada County ID Archives Obituaries.....Arrendiell, S. C. 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer August 18, 2005, 4:48 pm Payette Enterprise, Payette, Idaho, January 14, 1926 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Jan. 14, 1926 S. C. ARRENDIELL A shadow of gloom was cast over the entire community when the news of the death of S. C. Arrendiell reached Payette. While his failing health had caused his friends and loved ones many anxious moments, it was hoped that he might be spared. He was taken to the U. S. Veteran's hospital at Boise about a month ago and on December 24, underwent an operation of a very serious nature from which he never properly rallied. Death came the morning of January the fifth to relieve his suffering which was most intense. Schuyler Colfax Arrendiell was born near Mountain City, Tennessee, November 8, 1868. He grew to manhood at this place and on February 16, 1892 was united in marriage to Mattie Morley, who with her mother, is left to mourn her loss. He is also survived by four brothers and two sisters. They spent twelve years in Oklahoma and five in New Mexico, from which place they move to Payette where they have continued to reside. He was a man of sterling qualities; while he enjoyed the comforts of his own home he did not hesitate to answer his country's call for men when war was declared with Spain. He served until the end of the war and when he was honorable discharged from his Country's service he resumed his occupation until his last illness. He bore his suffering cheerfully, and was always appreciative of the efforts made for his comfort, his wife being in constant attendance to the last. His pleasant disposition and readiness to help those around him with a kind word as well as material assistance have made for him a large circle of friends. He was a member of the American Legion, the Knights of Pythias Lodge and the Mason Lodge. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at two-thirty at the Methodist church, Rev. V. E. Hall delivery a touching tribute to the deceased. The songs were furnished by a quartet of his brothers Masons. The Knights of Pythias and the American Legion attended the body. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery, the burial rites being conducted by the Masonic Order. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb