Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Anthony, Carroll Marvin 1946 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson August 24, 2006, 5:49 pm Independent Enterprise 1-31-1946 Independent Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, January 31, 1946 TWO SMALL BOYS BURN TO DEATH IN HOME BLAZE One Dies At Hospital Later After Heroic Attempt By Howard Russell to Save His Life Carroll, 2, and Richard, 4, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Anthony were both dead Wednesday night as a result of a fire which completely destroyed the family home in South Payette Wednesday. The younger boy died in the blazing home, while Richard succumbed later at a hospital after a heroic attempt had been made to save his life by Howard Russell who crawled into the blazing home and carried the youngster out. The fire was discovered by Russell who was driving by with a truck load of gravel. He ran to the building and tried to get into it and as he was doing so Mrs. Anthony appeared from a neighbors house where she had been visiting and told him that her two sons were in bed in the home. Russell then crawled into the blazing home, located Richard from the low moans he was making, picked up the lad, bed clothes and all and carried him out. He then tried to go back for Little Carroll who was in the crib but by that time the fire was too hot for him to enter. In getting into the home Russell cut an artery in his arm and he was treated later for the injury by Dr. I. R. Woodward. In the meantime Earl Drinkwine appeared on the scene and took the injured youngster and the mother to the local hospital. Two small boys who had been attracted to the burning home turned in the fire alarm. Fireman later recovered the body of little Carroll from his badly charred crib. It was one of the worst fire tragedies to occur in this city in years. After being taken to the local hospital Mrs. Anthony was later transferred to the hospital at Ontario where she gave birth to a son last night. Her condition was fair according to a report direct from the hospital this morning. Mr. Anthony is a laborer employed at a local packing house. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb