Payette-Valley County ID Archives Obituaries.....Anson, Carrol 1919
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Cheryl Hanson December 12, 2005, 9:35 pm

Payette Enterprise  2-27-1919
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, February 27, 1919


Little Carrol Anson, youngest son of Mrs. Florence Walker, met with sudden 
death at Cascade last Saturday while playing in the switch yards of the 
logging camp last Saturday afternoon. It is supposed that he attempted to 
cross in front of a moving car and was struck on the head and chest causing 
instant death. He was picked up by one of the work men after the moving car 
had crossed over the body.

Mr. and Mrs. Walker went to Cascade several months ago and have been employed 
as cooks at the camp near where the accident happened. Little Carrol was a 
sweet child and the pet of the family. He was four years, seven months and 
four days old at the time of his death and his sudden and untimely departure 
brings sadness to many a heart. The body was brought to Payette Monday, the 
funeral was held from Lauers undertaking parlors Tuesday afternoon conducted 
by Rev. Thomas Ashworth. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery beside his 
father, and twin brother who preceded him about a year ago. He leaves to mourn 
his loss, a step-father, mother and two older brothers besides other relatives 
who have the tender sympathy of many friends.

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