Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Anderson, John N. March 1925
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Payette Independent, Payette, Idaho, April 2, 1925
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
April 2, 1925


John N. Anderson passed away at the home of his son, Robert Anderson on the 
Harry Lewis place Monday morning at 7:30, after an illness of four days, caused 
from pneumonia.  He was born in Clay county, Indiana, January 16, 1848.  He 
later moved to Iowa, where he married Miss Mary Henderson.  Eight children were 
born to this union, two dying in infancy.  The living are John and Orville, of 
Wallowa, Oregon, James, of Hood River, Mrs. H. L. Simms, of Enterprise, Oregon; 
Miss Leota, of Payette and Robert, of Fruitland.  Besides these, he leave a 
wife, 11 grandchildren, and a brother and sister in the east.  He has made his 
home here since November.  Funeral services were held from the M. E. Church, in 
Payette, Wednesday afternoon, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

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