Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Anderson, J. P.  1916
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Cheryl Hanson December 9, 2005, 6:36 pm

Payette Enterprise 9-14-1916
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, September 14, 1916


J. P. Anderson, aged about 60 years, died suddenly at the Washoe ranch of J. 
R. Banks, two and a half miles west of Payette, about seven o'clock Monday 
morning. Anderson came down from the Crane Creek country where he had been 
working, arriving at the Banks ranch Sunday evening. He was apparently feeling 
as well as usual and expected to begin working for Mr. Banks on Monday. He ate 
a hearty supper Sunday evening and was up early and had breakfast Monday 
morning, after which he went out to the barn lot, where he was seen only a few 
minutes before his dead body was discovered.

The body was brought to the undertaking parlors of J. A. Lauer & Bro., in this 
city, where a post mortem examination was held by Drs. J. C. and I. R. 
Woodward, who found that the man's death resulted from heart failure.

The burial took place at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon in Riverside Cemetery, when 
Rev. Thomas Ashworth of St. James' Episcopal church conducted the funeral 

But little is known of J. P. Anderson, further than the fact that he had 
resided in and around Payette for about 16 years, having been employed for a 
number of years by W. F. Sherwood in his brick yards. Mr. Banks says he once 
heard him say that his birth place was Des Moines, Iowa. He never spoke of his 
family connections and is supposed to have been a single man.

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