Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Alspach, Samuel B. 1932 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson March 12, 2007, 10:34 am The Payette Independent 6-30-1932 The Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Thursday, June 30, 1932 S. B. Alspach S. B. Alspach was born at West Penn., Pennsylvania, March 13, 1846, and died at Boise, Idaho, June 22, 1932, aged 86 years, three months and nine days. Mr. Alspach was married to Miss Catherine Steigerwall, October 26, 1871, at Allentown, Penn., to which union six children were born, three dying in infancy, and Mrs. Sadie Donaldson passing on before him about three years ago at Portland, Oregon, where she resided. Surviving Mr. Alspach are his wife, Mrs. Catherine Alspach, one son, George and one daughter, Mrs. E. E. Parsons of Boise; one sister, Diana Fatherolt of Pennsylvania; seven grand children and great grand children, many relations and a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alspach moved to Iowa in 1876 and after living there for twenty- eight years moved to Idaho in 1904, where he made his home until he passed away, also a period of twenty-eight years. As a christian he was always outstanding as a leader in church affairs. In Iowa he was instrumental in establishing a Church of God, and the church in Payette was largely made possible by his prayers, service and gifts. He was converted in 1867 and united with the Church of God of North America at the same time, to which denomination he was attached for sixty-five years. Brother Alspach was a thorough and untiring worker with his hands, a successful farmer, a faithful and loving husband and father, an upright and loyal citizen and strong friend. His passing has created a real loss to this community which will manifest itself in many ways for years to come. The funeral was held from the Church of God Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. H. Shuman, after which a large number of friends of the family followed to Boise, where interment was made in Morris Hill cemetery. But we sorrow not as others who have no hope for we know he sought the city that hath foundations whose builder and maker is God. Servant of God, well done, Thy Glorious warfare's past. The Battle's fought, the race is won, and thou art crowned at last. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy, shown at the death of our husband and family. Mrs. S. B. Alspach George Alspach and family Mrs. E. E. Parsons and family This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb