Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Allen, Newell Francis 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson December 13, 2005, 12:35 am Payette Enterprise 5-13-1920 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, May 13, 1920 NEWELL FRANCIS ALLEN Born at Manhattan, Kansas, August 31, 1887. He moved with his parents to Idaho in 1895, where he attended the Payette public schools up to and including the eighth grade. He started out early in life to do for himself and has lived in different parts of the Northwest, most of the time working with construction companies. He became proficient in his chosen work and for the past four years has followed the occupation of dredge engineer. He was the only son of E. F. Allen, who has lived near Payette for the past twenty-five years and is one of our well known citizens. Newell Francis Allen died May 5, 1920, at Everett, Washington. His death was the result of an accident which happened while he was on duty as engineer. He lived but a short time after the accident. The body was brought to Payette, his old home, for burial. The funeral service was conducted at the First Baptist Church, Rev. Buell, the pastor, officiating, Saturday, May 8, at two o'clock. A large number of friends and neighbors attended the service and testified to their interest by generous contributions of beautiful flowers. Interment in Riverside cemetery. A father, two sisters, Mrs. Hamill of Boise and Mrs. Pansy Raby of Payette, keenly feel the loss of a son and brother. THANKS EXPRESSED We appreciate the kindness shown by our friends and neighbors in our bereavement in the loss of son and brother, and hereby extend to all who so unselfishly showed their interest in our situation our sincere thanks. We especially mention the offerings of beautiful flowers and the kindness of the choir in providing appropriate music. E. F. Allen Mrs. Emma Hamill and family Mrs. Pansy Raby and family This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb