Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Allen, Martha Davis 1929
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The Payette Independent 6-6-1929
The Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, June 06, 1929


Following an illness of several days, during which she suffered much, Mrs. 
Martha Allen, mother of Hugh Allen, passed away at the home of her son on 
Memorial day. All that mortal could do was done to relieve her suffering and 
save her life, but to no avail. Little by little her strength waned and it 
became evident that she could not last long.

Martha Davis Allen was born in Georgetown, Kentucky, August 28, 1854, and she 
died May 30, 1929, having lived to the ripe old age of 74 years, 9 months and 
2 days. She was married October 28, 1872, to Wm. Smith Allen, of Louisiana, 
Missouri, who preceded her in death on March 4, 1926. She joined the Pilgrim 
Congregational church in St. Louis, Mo., many years ago and remained true to 
her faith.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Saturday morning at 10:30 
o'clock and were conducted by Rev. Fraser. She was laid to rest in Riverside 

She leaves to mourn her death, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen and a number of nephews 
and nieces all of whom, particularly Mr. and Mrs. Allen, have the sympathy of 
everyone in their sorrow. 
Words fail us when we attempt to express our grateful appreciation of the many 
kindnesses shown us during the illness and in the death and burial of Mother 
Allen. The beautiful floral tributes were especially appreciated. 
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen

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