Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Alden, John  1924
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Payette Enterprise, Payette, Idaho, May 22, 1924
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, May 22, 1924

John Alden Passed Away

John Alden was born at Faribault, Minnesota, on the 4th day of May, 1859;
he died at Payette, Idaho, May 20th, 1924, aged 65 years and 16 days. He
spent the early years of his life at Alexandria, Minnesota, moving to
North Dakota in 1888, where for a considerable time he operated an
On the 31st day of 1894, he was married to Miss Edith Millner, at Condo,
N. Dakota. After they were married, Mr. and Mrs. Alden lived in North
Dakota until April 14, 1900, when they came to Payette where they have
ever since made their home.
Mr. Alden was a direct descendant of the eighth generation of the
historical John Alden, one of the Pilgrim fathers who came to Plymouth in
the Mayflower in 1620, and who was one of the great men of the time in
which he lived.
There are left to keenly feel the loss of a husband, father, brother,
grandfather, the faithful wife, who has kept vigil at his bedside for
more than a year past, fighting a losing battle from the beginning, yet
never flinching in her duty and devotion to the man to whom she pledged
her allegiance in her young womanhood; two children, Mrs. Fern Long, a
daughter, whose home in is Portland, Oregon; Lynwood, a son, of Salt Lake
City; two brothers, Willard and Henry, of Payette; a brother, Elmer, of 
Lavinia, Minnesota, and granddaughter, little Roma Rae Long. There is a
long list of friends and neighbors who feel that something worth while
has been taken away.
Mr. Alden has been a member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows for more
than 35 years and at the time of his death was a member of Payette Lodge
No. 22. He was a member in good standing of Camp No. 7641, Modern
Woodmen of America, at Payette. By trade he was a contractor and builder
and millwright.
A neighbor says of John Alden, and he expresses the sentiment of all his
neighbors, that he was a kind, patient, provident husband and father;
that his family regarded him as a protector and provider who was moved by
the highest motives and most earnest solicitation for their welfare,
whose care was his highest trust; that he was a good neighbor; that he
was a loyal citizen; that confidence reposed in him was a sacred trust
which he faithfully kept; that he was a faithful friend.
The name of John Alden may not find a place in the Hall of Fame listed
with those whom the world calls great, but in the hearts of the members
of his family he lives on in sacred memory, and his neighbors and friends
will not forget.
Funeral services were held from the First M.E. Church this (Thursday)
morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Knight of New Plymouth, conducted the brief
but very impressive service and interment was made in the family plot in
Riverside cemetery.

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