Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Albert, Peter 1925
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Cheryl Hanson January 17, 2006, 2:22 pm

The Payette Independent  3-12-1925
The Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, March 12, 1925
Peter Albert, 64, suddenly passed away of heart failure at his home near New 
Plymouth, at 10 P. M. Wednesday March 4th.  Funeral services were held at the 
Congregational Church Sunday, The Rev. A. I. Ferch and Rev. H. F. Knight 
officiating.  The Church was filled to full capacity by old-time friends and 
business associates.  Many beautiful flowers covered the casket of the 
deceased.  Rev. Knight as one of the old timers, spoke in his usual kindly way 
recalling memories of Mr. Albert during the many years he had known him.  He 
also paid tribute to the thoughtfulness and kindness of Mrs. Albert on similar 
occasions and her generosity in cutting her most choice blossoms for some 
departed friend, and the esteem in which both were held in the Payette 
Valley.  Rev. Ferch took for his subject "Memories."  The Directors of the 
Canyon County Fire Insurance Company, of which Mr. Albert was the local 
representative, attended the services, also a number of old-time Payette 
friends.  Music was furnished by the Congregational choir.  The pall bearers 
were W. H. Hinchliff, James Creasey, Walter Burke, Fred Creasey, A. R. 
Ingalls, and Robert Gailbriath, all old settlers.  Interment was in Park 
View.  Mr. Albert is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Oscar Fitch, of 
Battleground, Wash, a son, Arthur Albert of New Plymouth, and a brother George 
Albert, of Butte Falls, Ore, and two nephews, Lester F. Albert, State Adjutant 
of the American Legion and Ray Tuttle, of New Plymouth.

Additional Comments:
Note:  According to the Idaho Death Index, Peter Albert was born 10-5-1861 and 
died 3-4-1925, New Plymouth. ch

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