Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Albert, Maternus F. 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson December 20, 2005, 5:59 pm The Payette Independent 7-24-1924 The Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Thursday, July 24, 1924 MANY ATTEND ALBERT FUNERAL The funeral of M. F. Albert held Friday afternoon, was one of the largest in the history of Payette county, and the outpouring of friends and neighbors was a testimonial to the esteem in which our departed citizen was held. The exercises were held at the Methodist church and Rev. Hall preached a very impressive sermon. The ceremonies at the cemetery under the auspices of the Knights Templar lodge were very imposing and were a fitting finale to a life so full of worth while deeds. Peace to his ashes. IN MEMORIAM Maternus F. Albert The contribution that a man makes to the progress of the community in which he lives and to the institutions with which he identifies himself depends not only upon the ability band devotion of the man himself, but also upon the circumstances in which he is placed. M. F. Albert came to Payette at a time that demanded heroic and energetic service if Payette was to grow and develop and keep pace with other towns struggling for supremacy. Since the time Mr. Albert first landed in Payette from the hill country of Pennsylvania he had been constantly and tirelessly active in every line of endeavor that contributed to the development, advancement and growth of Payette. His influence was recognized by his being placed at the head of nearly every organized effort to develop the community in which he lived. When courage was lacking, his courage became the courage for many; when others were weak, his strength became the strength for all. Because of the persuasive personality of the man many things were accomplished for Payette that a less courageous spirit would have lost. It is safe to say than no man contributed more of time and energy and service to the development of Payette in the last thirty years than M. F. Albert. The passing of Maternus F. Albert means a distinct loss to the cause of education in Payette. He was thoroughly imbued with sense of the importance of sound training for young people, and he gave himself masterfully to this cause from the time when, as a comparatively young man, he came to Payette as superintendent of schools. In this capacity he served the Payette schools for ten of the best years of his life, during which time he organized the high school, established its four-years course of study, and secured recognition for it as a standard high school. Then he was drafted by the business interests of Payette to serve in another way, but to the day of his death he never lost interest in the institution whose foundations he had laid so wisely and well. For twelve years he served the schools as a member of the Board of Education, during ten of which he was its president. Even in his latest and severest affliction he never missed a school board meeting. The board of education desires to express its feeling of personal loss, its profound sense of the loss to the schools and to the community in the passing of its president and associate. By order of the board, JNO. R. McKINNEY, Clerk CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend to our many friends our heartfelt appreciation for the messages of sympathy and tokens of regard extended to us during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, and especially do we appreciate the assistance given by the Masonic order. MRS. M. F. ALBERT, MR. and MRS. LESTER F. ALBERT, MR. and MRS. DAVID W. ALBERT, MR. and MRS. MARVIN D. ALBERT, MISS MARJORIE ALBERT This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb