Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Albert, Maternus F. 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson December 20, 2005, 5:58 pm The Payette Independent 7-17-1924 The Payette Independent Payette, Idaho Thursday, July 17, 1924 M. F. ALBERT PASSES AWAY ONE OF PAYETTE'S MOST HIGHLY RESPECTED CITIZENS ANSWERS THE SUMMONS TO ETERNAL SLEEP A gloom was cast over our fair city Wednesday morning when the word came from his bedside that M. F. Albert, one of the foremost citizens of southwestern Idaho and most distinguished business men of this city, had been called by the grim reaper and his spirit had taken flight to Him who give it. It had been known that he was not in the best of health and for twenty-four hours it had been known that the end was near and yet none were prepared to give up one who had done so much for this community and been a ministering angel to countless hundreds who had been the beneficiaries of his kindness and generosity. Maternus F. Albert was born at Dushore, Pa., on July 18, 1859; was married to Minnie E. Troup on June 7, 1888 and died at 8 o'clock, Wednesday morning, July 16, 1924 at his home in Payette. He is survived by his wife and four children; Lester F. Albert, of Boise; David W. Albert of Tuscon, Arizona; Marvin D. Albert of Payette; and Marjorie Albert of Payette, and two brothers; Peter Albert of New Plymouth and Geo. Albert of Butte Falls, Oregon. The following fitting tribute to his life work and to his nobleness of character was handed us by Messrs. W. A. Coughanour. General L. V. Patch and Fred Moss, who had been close business associates and old time friends of his: "He was educated in the schools of Pennsylvania and came into our midst in 1892. For ten years he was superintendent of our public schools and devoted more of his time in the interest of public improvements and civic enterprises than any other man in this community. His interests included agriculture, horticulture, banking, manufacturing, and such projects as go to the developing of our resources. He was a devoted and conscientious worker in the church, our public schools, and fraternal orders. We can hardly realize that M. F. Albert has passed on. We believe the spirit lives after death and manifests according to the work and worth of the departed person during their life time. Mute is the voice that so often thrilled this community to its noblest destines, yet the uplifting power of his example, the ennobling influence of his association among us, becomes our priceless heritage and a gift to the ages. M. F. Albert worked here, worked with a purpose to comfort and help those he loved and those he loved will include the whole of deserving mankind. He will continue to do good works in some other mansion of his Father's house. In all those for whom Mr. Albert has done some kindly act were to bring a flower and place it upon his tomb, he would sleep beneath a wilderness of flowers. "Love weeps! Momentarily sorrow and the ebon tide rush upon us, but momentarily only, for from the blue abyss, our loved one returns. Under the confidence of immorality, we see him smile in memory's mirror. Deep within, we feel and know and rejoice, that such a noble character never dies." Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and the sermon will be preached by Rev. Vernon E. Hall. Following the church services the funeral will be in charge of the Masonic lodge, of which order he was a member. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb