Payette County ID Archives Obituaries.....Ahlstrand, Matilda C. 1927
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The Payette Independent 7-28-1927
The Payette Independent 
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, July 28, 1927
Mrs. Matilda Caroline Ahlstrand, whose maiden name was Jones, was born in 
Sweeden, February 12, 1854.  When a young girl she came with her parents to 
America and settled in Illinois in the year 1869.
On October 6, 1876 she was married to John Alhstrand at Yalesburg, Illinois.  
Two years later they moved to Osage City Kansas, where they established a 
home.  It was in the days of the pioneers and they suffered many hardships but 
by perseverance and hard work they overcame the obstacles.  In 1906 they moved 
to Payette Valley, Idaho, where again they took a piece of raw sagebrush land 
which has since been converted into a splendid home.  Here Mr. Ahlstrand died 
17 years ago.  A great responsibility fell upon Mrs. Ahlstrand but she was 
equal to the occasion, and with her two sons continued the building of the 
home.  She was the mother of three children, Fred and Elmer, who reside in 
Fruitland, the other dying in infancy.  Two brothers survive her and live in 
Nebraska.  Also 7 grandchildren survive her.
Mrs. Alhlstrand has been a member of the Sweedish Luthern church since her 
youth and ever faithful to her Christian belief.  she was a hard working woman 
who always expressed a sacrificing spirit for her family and her many 
friends.  Her health had been failing during the summer, but she was bedfast 
but a short time.  Death was due to heart trouble and dropsy.  Her prayer was 
that she might either get strong or else go to that land where toil and pain 
is no more.  She passed away Wednesday July 20, at 8:15 p. m. being 73 years, 
5 months, and 8 days of age.  Funeral services were held from the Brethren 
church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Herschel Shank and 
interment made beside her husband in Riverside cemetery.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their help and sympathy during 
the illness and death of our dear mother, and especially do we want to thank 
those for the beautiful flowers, also thank the quartet for the singing.
We further wish to thank the business men of Fruitland for their sympathy 
extended us by closing their places of business during the funeral services.
Fred C. Ahlstrand and family
Elmer A. Ahlstrand and family

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