Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Shearer, C. H. 1858 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


C. H. Shearer, conducting a confectionery store and ice cream manufactory in
Agency, is classed among the successful business men of that enterprising town.
He was born in Indiana, September 21, 1858, and is a son of George and Elizabeth
Shearer, both of whom were natives of Indiana. They journeyed by wagon to Iowa
and settled in Wapello county in 1865, the father here remaining until his
death. In the family were five children, of whom two are living: Eliza, the wife
of T. J. Raper of Burlington, Iowa; and C. H., of this review.

The latter remained at home until he had attained his majority and then began
learning the barber's trade in Agency. He was employed in the work for fifteen
years, some of the time conducting business on his own account. Since then he
has been proprietor of a confectionery store in Agency which he still conducts,
and in connection with the sale of sweets, he is also engaged in the manufacture
of ice cream. His enterprising business methods, his close application and his
unfaltering energy have been salient features in his growing success.

On the 13th of January, 1887, Mr. Shearer was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie
Dunbar, a native of Iowa and a daughter of John and Lucy Dunbar, the former now
deceased, while the latter is still living. Both were natives of Kentucky and at
an early period in the development of Iowa they came to this state. The father
served throughout the period of the Civil war, participating in a number of
hotly contested battles. To Mr. and Mrs. Shearer has been born a daughter, Katie
E., who is now the wife of Fred C. Rutz, a resident farmer of Wapello county,
and they have two children, Francis and Elvie. The parents are members of the
Methodist church and are in hearty sympathy with its work. Mr. Shearer gives his
political allegiance to the republican party, which he has supported since age
conferred upon him the right of franchise. For three years he served as a member
of the city council and during that period exercised his official prerogatives
in support of many progressive public movements. He belongs to the Modern
Woodmen camp and has filled all of the chairs in that organization. He is well
known in this county, where he has lived continuously for almost a half century,
and those who know him entertain for him the warm regard that is always the
instinctive tribute paid to sterling qualities of manhood.

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