Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Sheafe, Edward A. 1861 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher

Dr. Edward A. Sheafe, a worthy native son and prominent medical practitioner of
Wapello county, has followed his profession in Ottumwa for the past two decades
with gratifying results. His birth occurred in this county on the 18th of
December, 1861, his parents being Edward A. and Margaret (Godfrey) Sheafe, the
former a native of New Hampshire and the latter of Ohio. Edward A. Sheafe, Sr.,
made his way to California in 1850 and a few years later came to Wapello county,
Iowa, being here joined in wedlock to Miss Margaret Godfrey, who had come to
this county with a sister. He was successfully engaged in general agricultural
pursuits until the time of his death in 1876. His widow, who survives, makes her
home with our subject. She has an extensive circle of friends throughout the
community which has so long remained her home. Her children are four in number,
as follows: Sarah, who is the wife of William C. Redmon of Upland, California;
Edward A., of this review; Henry, who is now a resident of Foster, Iowa, and
Joseph, a practicing physician and surgeon of Kansas City, Missouri.

Edward A. Sheafe has resided within the borders of this county from his birth to
the present time. He supplemented his early education by a scientific course in
the Iowa State College, from which he was graduated in 1888, and in 1894 the
State University conferred upon him the degree of M. D. Throughout the
intervening two decades he has followed his profession in Ottumwa, his practice
steadily growing as he has demonstrated his skill and ability in coping with the
intricate problems which continually confront the physician in his efforts to
restore health and prolong life. He is a valued member of the Wapello County
Medical Society, of which he has been secretary and president, and also belongs
to the Iowa State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.

On the 14th of October, 1896, Dr. Sheafe was united in marriage to Miss Martha
E. Harlan, a native of Wapello county and a daughter of J. A. Harlan, a pioneer
settler of this county, who is now living retired in Ottumwa. Dr. and Mrs.
Sheafe have four children: Martha Lucile, Bertha Harlan, Edward A., Jr., and
Virginia Mildred.

Dr. Sheafe gives his political allegiance to the republican party and has done
able service as a member of the board of education. He is a Royal Arch Mason and
also belongs to the Knights of Pythias, while his religious faith is indicated
in his membership in the Christian church. He also serves as a director of the
Young Men's Christian Association. Both Dr. and Mrs. Sheafe have always lived in
this county and have long been numbered among its most esteemed residents.

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