Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Schafer, F. W. 1860 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


F. W. Schafer, who is a progressive merchant of Eddyville, has for a number of
years been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in this city. He
also has farming interests and is numbered among the substantial residents. He
was born in Eddyville, April 15, 1860, and is a son of William and Lena
(Hergesheimer) Schafer, natives of Germany, who came in the early '50s to this
country, locating in Kane county, Illinois. They came over with other relatives
and married in that county, later removing to Wapello county, Iowa, the father
locating in Eddyville. He was a cabinet-maker by trade and after taking up his
residence here engaged in the furniture business and conducted the same with a
fair amount of success. Both have passed away. To their union were born nine
children: Mary, of Eddyville; F. W., of this review; Charles J., of Pasadena,
California; Minnie B., who married G. F. Hartman, of Eddyville; Albert E., of
San Diego, California, and four who have passed away.

F. W. Schafer remained under the parental roof until he reached his majority. In
the acquirement of his education he attended the common and high schools and
subsequently learned the harness maker's trade. In 1881 he went to Colorado,
where he remained one year and then returned to Eddyville, buying out his father
and becoming a member of the Schafer & Steinhoff furniture and undertaking
business which the latter had founded. Mr. Schafer has been in this business for
thirty-one years, deriving a gratifying income therefrom. He is now associated
with George F. Hartman, and this partnership has proven of mutual benefit.

On February 22, 1893, Mr. Schafer married Miss Helen Truax, who was born on
Bluff Creek, Mahaska county, this state, and is a daughter of T. J. and Arabella
(De Lashmutt) Truax, the former born in Indiana and the latter in Iowa. Mrs.
Schafer is one of six children born to her parents, of whom four are living. She
and her husband attend the Congregational church and are interested in its work.

Mr. Schafer is a republican and has always been interested in local politics,
having served on the city council. Besides his business he is interested in
several farms in the vicinity of Eddyville. He owns residence property in the
city and is also interested in a tract of land in Wyoming. He also owns real
estate in Los Angeles. Fraternally he is a member of Eddyville Lodge, No. 26, I.
O. O. F., in which he has held all the offices; of Eddyville Camp, No. 1837, M.
W. A.; and of Eddyville Homestead, No. 98, Brotherhood of American Yeomen. He is
popular in these fraternal organizations and is esteemed and respected in social
and business circles. All who know him speak of him in the highest terms of
praise and esteem him as a man of character and one who is ever ready to give
his share toward promoting worthy enterprises. Through his business activities
lie has contributed to the general prosperity and is an important factor in the
progress of his city.

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