Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Reeves, George T. 1880 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


George T. Reeves, who owns a well equipped garage in Ottumwa, has here been
engaged in business as an automobile dealer for the past four years and also
conducts a repair shop. He is numbered among the worthy native sons of Wapello
county, his birth having here occurred on the 20th of October, 1880. His father,
Theodore Reeves, was a native of Indiana, born in 1848. The paternal grandfather
of our subject came to this state from Indiana, taking up his abode among the
earliest residents of Wapello county. The farm on which he settled is still in
possession of the Reeves family. Theodore Reeves continued on the place until
his demise, devoting his time and energies to agricultural pursuits with
excellent success. His widow, who bore the maiden name of Eliza Cline and is a
native of Kansas, now makes her home with her son George. She is a devoted and
consistent member of the Methodist church and enjoys an extensive and favorable
acquaintance in the community which has so long been her home. Her children are
four in number, as follows: Wesley and Charles, both of whom are residents of
Ottumwa; Frank, living in Kirksville, Missouri; and George T., of this review.

The last named was reared on the home farm and attended the common schools in
the acquirement of an education, but since attaining his majority has spent most
of the time in Ottumwa. On the 20th of August, 1910, he began business in the
garage which he had erected at No. 207 West Second street and has since been
accorded an enviable patronage as a dealer in Hudson, Paige and Overland cars,
selling a large number of machines annually. He likewise conducts a repair shop
and furnishes employment to four men.

On the 24th of December, 1901, Mr. Reeves was united in marriage to Miss Lillie
Harter, a native of Mahaska county, Iowa, and a daughter of A. F. and Lizzie
(Cassle) Harter. The father still resides on the home farm, but the mother is
deceased. Mr. Reeves is a republican in his political views, loyally supporting
the men and measures of that party at the polls. He has won many friends in the
community where his entire life has been spent and enjoys an enviable reputation
as a young business man of enterprise and ability.

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