Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Randel, B. D. 1871 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/iafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 July 8, 2013, 11:38 pm Source: See Below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher B. D. RANDEL. B. D. Randel is a well known farmer of Richland township, living on section 35. He was born in Center township, Wapello county, October 8, 1871, and is a son of E. L. and Rachel (Draper) Randel, who were natives of Greensburg, Decatur county, Indiana. In that locality they spent their childhood and youth, and following their marriage they made their way direct to Wapello county, Iowa, arriving in the year 1864. They took up their abode upon a farm and the father continuously carried on general agricultural pursuits until 1893, when he retired. His first home was north of Agency, where he lived for six years. He then removed to Center township, two and a half miles north of Ottumwa, and upon that farm, where B. D. Randel was born, he remained for twenty-two years. He then retired to Ottumwa, where he continued for a decade and since then has made his home with his youngest son. He is today one of the old-time settlers of the county, having resided within its borders for a half century. He had more than five hundred acres at one time and was also well known as a breeder of fine stock, making a specialty of shorthorn cattle. His farm lay in Center township, north of Ottumwa, and there his business interests were carefully and successfully conducted up to the time of his retirement. He took an active interest in politics, giving loyal support to the republican party. Both he and his wife held membership in the First Methodist Episcopal church of Ottumwa, but about three years ago Mr. Randel transferred his membership to the Salem Methodist Episcopal church. He is a Master Mason, loyal to the teachings of the craft, and his life has ever been guided by high and honorable principles. He lost his wife in 1888 and following his retirement from the farm of E. L. Randel went to live with his son B. D. Randel, with whom he still makes his home. In the family were five children: Ella, now living in Des Moines; Luna, who is the widow of A. D. Stephens and resides in Des Moines; Minnie, the widow of S. S. Bear of Des Moines; Mattie, the wife of John W. Simmons of Fernandina, Florida; and B. D. B. D. Randel has resided all of his life in Wapello county, continuing with his father until twenty-one years of age, when he started out in life on his own account in Richland township, where he rented land for a number of years, during which period he carefully saved his earnings until he was able to purchase his present property. He now owns one hundred and forty acres of land on section 35, in the midst of which stands a large, fine residence. There are also good barns and outbuildings upon the place, ample for the shelter of grain and stock, and he is well known as an extensive breeder of Duroc Jersey hogs. His business affairs are capably managed and the energy and perseverance which he displays have been the salient features in winning for him the creditable success which is now his. In 1895 B. D. Randel was united in marriage to Miss Anna Thompson, who was born in Kirkville, Wapello county, in 1877, a daughter of E. O. and Mary F. Thompson. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Randel are E. L., Mary and Ella. The family are widely and favorably known in their section of the county. Mr. Randel is a republican in politics and has served as trustee of his township. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and to the Grangers and is actively interested in all that pertains to the welfare and upbuilding of the county along various lines of progress and improvement. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF WAPELLO COUNTY IOWA ILLUSTRATED VOLUME II CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1914 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/iafiles/ File size: 4.3 Kb