Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Poling, M. W. 1868 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


M. W. Poling is not only well known in the electric business in Ottumwa, as
president of the Poling Electric Company, but has interests of a similar
character in other cities of Iowa and also is part owner of the Iowa Auto Sales
Company of Ottumwa. His experience along his line if very extensive, for he has
for many years been connected with electric light and power plants in various
parts of the country. His success has come to him on account of his wide
knowledge, his experience and business ability. He was born in Ottumwa, Wapello
county, Iowa, December 24, 1868. His father is N. S. Poling, who was born in
what is now West Virginia, near Grafton, April 28, 1838. He came to Iowa in 1865
to profit by the agricultural conditions presented by the rich prairie lands and
was successful in this occupation. He now lives retired at 515 Hamilton street,
Ottumwa. Mr. Poling, Sr., was a Confederate soldier and had the distinction of
serving under Stonewall Jackson in the Army of the Potomac. Mr. Poling married
Catherine Smith, who was born in Maryland, June 10, 1838. They had four children
besides our subject, as follows: James F., who is connected with the Poling
Electric Company, and of whom further mention is made in another part of this
work; Mary Alva, at home; Lulu, deceased; and Harry Leroy, member of the firm of
Cramblit & Poling.

M. W. Poling was reared on his father's farm and in the acquirement of his
education attended the common schools. He remained on the homestead until 1892,
when he joined the General Electric Company of Schenectady, New York. He
remained with this firm tor about one year and then removed to Albia, Iowa,
where he joined A. R. Jackson in installing the electric plant. He next was with
the Ottumwa Railway & Light Company for about thirteen years, at the end of
which time he and his brother, James F., established themselves independently
under the firm name of the Poling Electric Company. By his former extensive
experience he was well fitted for engaging in business on his own account, and
that he possessed the necessary business ability he subsequently proved. The
Poling Electric Company is engaged in the installation of lights and motors and
are doing both inside and outside work. Mr. Poling is, moreover, part owner and
president of an electric store at Burlington known as the Home Electric Company.
The Poling brothers also own a store at Albia. On January 9, 1911, M. W. Poling
bought a part of the business of the Iowa Auto Sales Company, and he is now
manager of this concern, which is owned by his brother, himself and one other
partner, Andrew Lames. Ottumwa is to be congratulated upon having among its
business men, men of the capability and initative of Mr. Poling, who from small
beginnings has built up important business interests. In an indirect way be has
thereby largely benefited his city and other sections of the state and has been
a force in the general development.

On February 20, 1906, M. W. Poling married Miss Katherine Cecil, who was born in
Muscatine county and is a daughter of A. J. and Elizabeth (Fullmer) Cecil, the
former a farmer and both yet living in Muscatine.

Mr. Poling is a democrat. Although his many business interests have not
permitted him to actively enter the political field yet he is public-spirited
and ever interested in matters of public advancement. Fraternally he is
prominent, being a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Royal
Arcanum, and the Independent Order of Foresters. He is highly esteemed and well
liked by all who know him in business, social and fraternal circles and by his
active and honorable life gives a worthy example of what American citizenship
should consist of.

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