Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Poling, James F. 1871 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


lames F. Poling is one of the foremost business men of Ottumwa, but more than
that he is of the best type of American citizenship and a man whose actions are
directed by the highest principles. He is prominent in the electric light
business and connected with a number of concerns of that kind in this and other
cities of the state. Mr. Poling was born in Wapello on a farm were the Dain
Manufacturing Company now stands. The date of his birth was November 7, 1871.
His parents were N. S. and Catherine (Smith) Poling, the former born near
Grafton, West Virginia, and the latter in Maryland. The father's birth occurred
April 28, 1838, and he came to Iowa after the war in 1865. He was a soldier on
the Confederate side, serving under Stonewall Jackson in the Army of the
Potomac. After coming to Iowa Mr. Poling, Sr., engaged in agricultural pursuits
and was successful along that line until he retired to Ottumwa, where he yet
lives, making his home at 515 Hamilton street. The mother, who was born June 10,
1838, has passed away. She bore her husband five children: M. W., who is closely
connected with his brother James F. in all of his business interests; James F.,
of this review; Mary Alva, at home; Lulu, deceased; and Harry Leroy, of the firm
of Cramblit & Poling.

James F. Poling grew up under the parental roof and acquired his education in
the common schools. He remained on his father's farm until he was about
twenty-eight years of age, when he joined the staff of the Ottumwa Railway &
Light Company, remaining with them for about four years. He then joined the
Oskaloosa Traction & Light Company, with whom he stayed for a similar period,
taking over at the end of that time, in partnership with his brother M. W., the
electric supply department of the Ottumwa Railway & Light Company. They have
been engaged in business in the city for about eight years and in that length of
time Mr. Poling has fully demonstrated his value and ability as a commercial
leader. Mr. Poling has also stock in the Home Electric Company at Burlington,
and he and his brother own the Poling Electric Company and a store at Albia.
They employ on an average of about twenty people, and, considering that they are
entirely engaged in the electrical business, this fact alone speaks for the
volume and extent of their interests. They are doing inside and outside work and
are well equipped for the installation of lights, motors and other electrical
appliances. There is much credit due Mr. Poling for the success of the various
enterprises with which he is connected, as his capability, aggressiveness and
knowledge of the business have been an important factor in their growth.

On June 14, 1901, James F. Poling married Nellie B. Walker, who was born in
York, Nebraska, and is a daughter of Z. and Hattie (Ditch) Walker, the latter
deceased. Mr. Walker was engaged in the rubberoid roofing business after coming
to Ottumwa. Mr. and Mrs. Poling have three children, Guy Morris, Helen Mary and
Rosa May.

Mr. Poling is a democrat and, although interested in the welfare of his party,
has never sought political honors. However, he is ever ready to give his support
to worthy public enterprises and has done much for the growth and development of
the trade interests of his city. His religion is that of the Congregational
church, and fraternally he is known as an Odd Fellow and a Moose. He has many
friends in Ottumwa both in business and social circles and is esteemed by all
who know him and most highly respected by those who know him best.

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