Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Patterson, Homer B. 1872 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Homer B. Patterson is one of the county supervisors of Wapello county, to which
position he was elected in 1910. He makes his home in Ottumwa, but for many
years has been identified with farming and stock-raising interests in this part
of the state. His birth occurred in Davis county, Iowa, August 4, 1872, has
parents being Thomas and Mary Jane (Pollard) Patterson, natives of Indiana, the
former born July 10, 1832, the latter April 5, 1835. In their childhood days
they came to Iowa with their respective parents, the Patterson and Pollard
families being established in Davis county where they were reared and married,
their marriage occurring February 12, 1857. Thomas Patterson made farming his
life work and thus provided for his family of eight children, three of whom are
now deceased, while five still survive. The father passed away October 25, 1895,
the mother May 2, 1889.

Homer B. Patterson was reared in the county of his nativity and in his youthful
days divided his time between the work of the fields and the acquirement of an
education in the public schools. He continued his residence in Davis county
until 1902, when he came to Ottumwa and entered the grocery business, on the
south side of the city, there conducting his trade for eight years. He then sold
out and for a year engaged in farming, and he still owns his land north of the
city. He buys and sells many horses and has engaged in this business for a
number of years. He is considered an excellent judge of horses, and thus his
purchases have been judiciously made and his sales have brought to him a good
profit. As previously stated, he was elected to the board of county supervisors
in 1910 and is proving a most capable official in that connection.

Mr. Patterson was married January 19, 1902, to Miss Angie L. Trisler, a native
of Davis county, born May 15, 1873. Her parents were John and Nancy Jane
(Garretson) Trisler, the former born March 1, 1843, and the latter November 11,
1843. Their marriage was solemnized May 22, 1870. Mrs. Patterson departed this
life, having passed away May 14, 1908. She was the mother of two children,
Pauline Alice, whose birth occurred on the 29th of October, 1902; and Evelyn,
born May 4, 1906, who died on June 21, 1907. In his political views Mr.
Patterson is a democrat, and his opinions carry weight in the local councils of
his party. He belongs to Ottumwa Lodge, No. 16, F. & A. M.; Clinton Chapter, No.
9, R. A. M.; Malta Commandery, No. 31, K. T., and Kaaba Temple of the Mystic
Shrine at Davenport. He is also connected with the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and is a member of the Commercial Association of Ottumwa. A wide-awake,
progressive and enterprising citizen, he is one of those who always recognize
and utilize opportunities both for the advancement of their business interests
and the attainment of desirable results for the community.

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