Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Mitchell, A. J. And L. C. 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


A. J. and L. C. Mitchell constitute the well known Ottumwa law firm of Mitchell
& Mitchell. The father, John R. Mitchell, who was born in Indiana in 1853,
passed away in Missouri in 1896 at the comparatively early age of forty-three
years. He too was a member of the bar and practiced in Grant City, Missouri,
where he was widely recognized as a prominent attorney. His wife bore the maiden
name of Addie F. Fouts and is now living with her sons, A. J. and L. C.
Mitchell, who are her only children.

A. J. Mitchell was born in Worth county, Missouri, in September, 1883, and was
educated in the common schools of that county and in the West Des Moines high
school, in which he completed a course with the class of 1902. He next entered
the liberal arts department of Drake University and was graduated therefrom in
1905. The following year was spent as a student in the law department of the
same institution, after which he went to the Philippines and was school
supervisor there for the government from 1906 until 1912, doing much to further
the interests of education among the people of that country. At length he
returned to his native land and settled in Tacoma, Washington, there engaging in
the practice of law for a year in partnership with Charles Arnold. On the 30th
of May, 1913, he came to Ottumwa and opened a law office in connection with his
brother. In the intervening period they have gained a clientage that is becoming
more and more extensive and important. A. J. Mitchell is also connected with R.
G. Dun & Company as assistant manager of the local office and gives much of his
attention to the interests of the company which he represents.

In 1909 Mr. Mitchell married Miss Kathryn Conwell, a native of Chillicothe,
Iowa, and a daughter of Albert Conwell, a resident farmer of the state. Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Mitchell are now the parents of a daughter, Ramona. They are members
of the Catholic church, and Mr. Mitchell also holds membership with the Knights
of Columbus. His political allegiance is given to the progressive branch of the
republican party, and he stands for advancement at all times, whether political
or otherwise. He is a member of the Commercial Law League and of the Commercial
Association, and his interests find expression in practical efforts for progress
and advancement along many lines.

L. C. Mitchell, junior partner of the law firm of Mitchell & Mitchell, was born
on a farm in Worth county, Missouri, March 30, 1887, and was educated in the
common schools and in the public schools of Des Moines, completing a course in
the West Des Moines high school by graduation with the class of 1906. He too
eagerly embraced his opportunities for further educational advancement and
completed a liberal arts course in Drake University with the class of 1909. He
also finished a one year's law course in 1909, after which he went to Colorado,
where he proved up a homestead on Routt county, a property which he still owns.
He afterward devoted a year to the study of law in the University of Colorado
and then took up the profession of teaching in the Alamosa (Colorado) high
school. He afterward cmpleted his law studies in the University of California as
a student in its law department, known as the School of Jurisprudence. There he
was graduated in the spring of 1913 and immediately afterward he came to
Ottumwa, where he began practice and where he has since been located. The firm
is enjoying a good law business, and their devotion to the best interests of
their clients insures them not only of its continuance but also promises well
for the growth of their practice. L. C. Mitchell also teaches in the Iowa
Success Business College, being an instructor in commercial law. He is a member
of the Commercial Association and is in hearty sympathy with all movements and
measures for the public good. His political indorsement is given to the
democratic party, and his religious faith is that of the Methodist church. His
life has been well spent and, characterized by industry, determination and
laudable ambition, has brought him to a creditable place as a representative of
the Iowa bar.

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Photo: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/wapello/photos/bios/mitchell644gbs.jpg

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