Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Miller, Henry Clay 1830 - 1863
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Although over fifty years have passed since Henry Clay Miller passed away he is
yet remembered by the older generation as a successful young farmer who came to
this neighborhood full of hope and who set himself to his work with a will that
excited the admiration of all those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
His widow now lives in Eddyville and enjoys the respect and esteem of all. Mr.
Miller was born in Ohio in 1830 and was a son of Daniel and Jane Miller, natives
of the Buckeye state, who came to Iowa in the early '40s, both dying in this
state. To their union were born seven children, all of whom are now deceased.

Henry C. Miller removed with his parents to this state and was reared and
educated in Iowa. He early took up farming and continued along that line of work
until his death, which took place September 9, 1863. He was an energetic young
man of great promise and all who knew him esteemed him for his determination,
his industry, his thriftiness and his kindly consideration of his fellow men.
Setting himself to work at an early age, he was on the high road to prosperity
when the all-conqueror, Death, overtook him.

Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Angeline Harper, who was born in
Indiana and is a daughter of John and Mary A. (Kelso) Harper, natives of Ohio,
who removed to Indiana, where they lived for some time. In 1850 they settled in
Mahaska county, Iowa, locating on a farm there. Subsequently the father entered
a homestead in this county, but later the parents removed to Kansas, where both
died. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had three children: Mary J. is the wife of Charles
Ellison, of Page county, Iowa, and they have eleven children living. Daniel was
born February 3, 1857, and died July 24, 1887. Frederick was born October 8,
1860, and died December 6, 1910, leaving a widow to mourn his loss. Mrs. Miller
has now sold all of her farms, having made other profitable investments. She
owns the handsome residence in which she lives in Eddyville and, although she is
advanced in years, still actively looks after her business interests. She is a
member of the Methodist church and takes a deep interest in charity work, being
ever ready to give of her means in order to help the needy and to give support
to church work of all kinds. She is venerated by all who know her, for she is a
lovable old lady of motherly instincts who is kindness itself to all the world.

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