Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Merrill, Herman W. 1858 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Business enterprise and progressiveness in Ottumwa find a worthy exponent in
Herman W. Merrill, who has been and is prominently identified with commercial
and financial interests. A man of resolute purpose, he carries forward to
successful completion whatever he undertakes, and the years have placed him in a
position among the successful business men of his city. He was born in Mount
Pleasant, Iowa, January 15, 1858. His father, Joseph Henry Merrill, was a native
of Plymouth, New Hampshire, born December 27, 1827.

Herman W. Merrill was the second child and is the only surviving member of a
family of five children. He was educated in the common schools of Ottumwa and in
the University of Iowa, which he attended for one year. Soon after leaving
school he entered the Merrill wholesale grocery house, in which he continued
from 1871; until 1901. He did not depend upon parental influence for
advancement, but steadily worked his way upward, mastering every feature of the
business and thus qualifying for more and more responsible positions. He is
widely recognized as a man of resourceful ability, ready to meet any emergency
and readily understanding the best methods of handling business situations. His
energy never falters and his efforts, intelligently directed, have placed him
among the prominent and prosperous business men of the city. He is now
interested in the Ottumwa Pickle Company as a partner of P. H. Crowley, and he
is a director in the Iowa National Bank and in the Phoenix Trust Company, while
in connection with Charles Greenleaf Merrill he owns the controlling interest in
the City Savings Bank. He is likewise a director of the Iowa Savings Bank and is
interested in banking institutions at Albia, Chillicothe, Agency and Chicago.
His investments have been judiciously made and many institutions and business
enterprises have felt the stimulus of his cooperation and sound judgment.

On the 4th of October, 1881, Mr. Merrill was united in marriage to Miss Emily C.
Temple, who was born in Ohio, a daughter of Henry C. and Elizabeth (Stager)
Temple. The former, now deceased, was a telegraph operator, while the latter is
a sister of Anson Stager, one of the founders of the Western Union Telegraph
system. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill have one daughter, Sarah Pope. Politically Mr.
Merrill is a Republican and fraternally is connected with the Benevolent
Protective Order of Elks. His social nature finds expression in his membership
in the Country and the Wapello Clubs. His long residence in Ottumwa, his
prominence in business, his public-spirited activity in community affairs and
his lively interest in the social side of life have all combined to make him one
of the popular and leading citizens of his section of the state. In all of his
business activities he has seemed to readily see from the center to the very
utmost circumference of possibilities and through all the passing years has
wisely and advantageously used his opportunities, at the same time conforming
his efforts to the highest standard of commercial ethics.

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