Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....McCue, Albert E. 1841 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Albert E. McCue, now living retired in Ottumwa, is one of the Civil war
veterans, having for about three years marched to the martial strains which
indicated that the country was involved in war. Through days of peace he spent
many years upon the road as a traveling salesman and was very popular among his
many patrons. His birth occurred in Leesburg, Ohio, February 21, 1841, his
parents being Patrick Kennedy and Charlotte (Wilkins) McCue. The father was born
in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1802, and the mother's birth occurred in
1812 on the isle of Jersey, off the coast of France. She was brought to the
United States when twelve years of age and in Baltimore gave her hand in
marriage to Patrick Kennedy McCue, who was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal
church in that city. At the time of his death, which occurred in 1884, he was
the oldest member of the Pittsburgh conference, having devoted fifty-five years
of his life to preaching the gospel, and according to the itinerary custom of
the Methodist ministry, he and his family removed fifty-five times. In the early
days he had a circuit over which he must ride that required eight weeks to make
the trip, on which he preached week days as well as the Sabbath. His influence
was a potent element for moral progress, and his life was not denied the full
harvest nor the aftermath. To him and his wife were born nine children, two of
whom passed away in early life, while three sons are yet living: William D., a
resident of Cranford, New Jersey; Albert E.; and W. F., living in Denver, Colorado.

On the 22d of August, 1862, Albert E. McCue put aside all business and personal
considerations and enrolled among the boys of blue that his native state sent to
the front during the Civil war, becoming a member of Company G, Fifty-second
Ohio Volunteer Infantry under Captain James Taylor Holmes at Richmond, Ohio. He
was mustered in at Camp Dennison and three years later was mustered out at
Columbus, Ohio. He served with the Army of the Cumberland and took part in the
battles of Chickahominy, Shepherd's Run, Murfreesboro, Stone River and other
important and hotly contested engagements, together with many minor ones. He was
with his regiment in all of its military movements until that command reached

After the war Mr. McCue returned to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he engaged
in clerking, and in 1871 he became identified with business interests of the
west, making his home in Ottumwa, where he traveled with a line of dry goods for
the firm of Wood, Marsh, Haywood & Company, of Philadelphia. He spent twenty
years upon the road as a traveling salesman. For three years he was connected
with the First National Bank here and for three years was with the De Witt Bank
of De Witt, Nebraska. From 1887 to 1897 his headquarters were in Chicago and he
traveled, in Indiana. 

On the 23d of June, 1869, at Kilbourn City, Wisconsin, Mr. McCue was united in
marriage to Miss Charlotte Dawes, who was born in McConnelsville, Ohio, in 1841,
a daughter of Dr. Edward Dawes. Mr. McCue is a member of Cloutman Post, No. 69,
G. A. R., and he is today as true and loyal to his country as when he followed
the old flag upon southern battle fields. The spirit of patriotism has ever been
one of his salient characteristics and, like the vast majority of the old
soldiers, he never looks upon the stars and stripes without a feeling of pride
and a sense of satisfaction that he had a part in preserving it intact without
the loss of a single star.

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