Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....McCarty, Charles W. 1864 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Charles W. McCarty, postmaster of Ottumwa, is a popular citizen, widely and
favorably known in this county. In the discharge of the duties of his present
position he is always prompt and capable, and businesslike methods are manifest
in the control of all the interests of the office. Wapello county numbers him
among her native sons, his birth having occurred within her borders on the 14th
of April, 1864. He is a son of John W. and Margaret J. (Warren) McCarty, natives
of Ohio, whence they came to Iowa with their respective parents, and all four of
the grandparents continued residents of Wapello county until called to their
final rest, their graves being in this county. John W. McCarty devoted the
greater part of his life to the profession of school teaching, but passed away
when a comparatively young man of thirty-six years, his death occurring February
22, 1874. His widow still survives and makes her home with her children. In
their family were five children: Charles W.; A. C., who was killed in a railroad
accident; Maggie, deceased; W. F., living in Oskaloosa, Iowa, and John H., of
Stockport, Iowa.

Charles W. McCarty has spent the greater part of his life in Wapello county,
where he was reared upon a farm, early becoming familiar with the duties and
labors incident to the development of the fields. When seventeen years of age he
entered the railroad service as a telegraph operator and for nearly a quarter of
a century was connected with the Rock Island Railroad Company. He was acting as
cashier in the local freight office at the time he was nominated and elected
county auditor in November, 1906. He has since been continuously in public
office and the record which he has made as a public servant is most commendable.
After serving as auditor for two years lie was re-elected and at the close of
his second term he was made deputy auditor, in which position he continued for a
year and a half, when he resigned to become postmaster of Ottumwa, his
commission being dated July 23, 1913. He has been a lifelong democrat, never
changing his party affiliation, and he has labored earnestly to promote the
growth and insure the success of his party.

In 1890 Mr. McCarty was married to Miss Sophia Houk, a native of Wapello county,
and a daughter of Jacob and Cloe J. (Comstock) Houk, who were early settlers
here and continued to make their home in Wapello county throughout their
remaining days. The father was a farmer by occupation and devoted his entire
life to that pursuit save for three years, in which he served his country as a
soldier in the Civil war. His wife was a daughter of Dr. A. B. Comstock, one of
the pioneer physicians of this county, who rode horseback over a large section
of the country, undeterred by the hardships and difficulties that attend the
physician who practices in a frontier region. He became a large landowner, was
well known and was highly respected by all. Unto Mr. and Mrs. McCarty have been
born four children: Gladys M., at home; Merrill and Vera, who are now attending
the Ottumwa high school; and Pauline, who is also in school.

The family are Presbyterians in religious faith, and Mr. McCarty gives
generously in support of the church and takes an active part in its work.
Fraternally he is connected with Ottumwa Lodge, No. 16, F. & A. M., and with the
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, and he is loyal to their teachings
concerning the brotherhood of man and the obligations of mutual helpfulness. His
long residence in the county has brought him a wider acquaintance, and his many
sterling traits of character have gained for him the enduring regard of those
with whom he has been associated.

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