Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....McCarroll, J. B. 1859 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/iafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 July 6, 2013, 1:32 pm Source: See Below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher J. B. McCARROLL. J. B. McCarroll is sole owner of a hardware, stove, tinware and sporting goods business, conducted under the name of McCarroll Brothers, and Ottumwa classes him with her representative merchants. He early recognized the eternal principle that industry wins, and industry became the beacon light of his life, guiding him to the present goal of successful endeavor. He was born at Leesville, Ohio, October 29, 1859, a son of W. F. and Mary M. (Millisack) McCarroll, who were also natives of the Buckeye State. About 1865 they removed westward, settling at Kirkville, Iowa, where they resided until 1871, when they came to Ottumwa, where the death of the father occurred twenty years later, on the 24th of December, 1891, when he was sixty-eight years of age. His widow survived for about eight years and passed away in 1899 also at the age of sixty-eight. In early life the father followed farming, continuing in that occupation until he came to Ottumwa, when he entered the stove business under the firm style of W. F. McCarroll & Son, the junior partner being his son, C. T. McCarroll. He remained actively in the business until his death and from a comparatively small beginning developed it into an extensive wholesale and jobbing business. He also conducted a retail department, and his patronage was a liberal one, for his business methods and his enterprise commended him to the confidence and support of the public. At one time he was alderman of Ottumwa from the fourth ward, being elected to the office as the candidate of the republican party, of which he was a stalwart advocate. He made for himself a prominent place in public regard not only by reason of his success in business but also owing to his devotion to the general welfare and his co-operation in many movements looking to the public good. To him and his wife were born five children: Phoebe, the wife of P. C. Bidderson of Ottumwa; J. B.; Laura, the wife of E. L. Kilby of Ottumwa; W. F., deceased; and C. T. J. B. McCarroll, whose name introduces this review, pursued a public-school education in Ohio and Iowa and on the 20th of June, 1876, when a young man of about seventeen years, began learning the tinner's trade. He was associated with his father in the management of the business until after the father's death, when J. B. McCarroll and his brother, C. T., succeeded to the business and conducted it until 1898. They then sold out to the firm of Harper & McIntire. J. B. McCarroll then spent a year in settling up the accounts of the old firm. At that time his brother-in-law, P. C. Bidderson, was conducting the hardware business now owned by our subject, and when the accounts of the old firm had been settled up Mr. McCarroll took the management of the business, and his brother, W. F. McCarroll, became his partner. This relation was maintained until 1909, when, following the death of his brother, J. B. McCarroll purchased the widow's interest and has since conducted the business alone, although retaining the old firm name of McCarroll Brothers. He has been continuously connected with the hardware trade in Ottumwa for thirty-eight years and is today one of the leading merchants of the city. He carries a large and well selected line of hardware, stoves, tinware and sporting goods, and his patronage is extensive. He always endeavors to please his customers, and his promptness and reliability are features in his growing success. In 1899 Mr. McCarroll was united in marriage to Miss Ida B. Amos, of Lima, Ohio, and to them were born three children, Ida Blanche and two who died in infancy. Mr. McCarroll is an active member of the Masonic fraternity and is now a past master of Ottumwa Lodge, No. 16, A. F. & A. M.; and a past commander of Malta Commandery, No. 31, K. T. He is likewise a charter member of the Elks lodge of his city, and he belongs to the Wapello and the Country Clubs. His religious faith is that of the spiritualist sect, with which his parents and grandparents were also connected. In politics he is a republican and the family were strong abolitionists in ante bellum days. Thus it was that the son was given the name of John Brown McCarroll. For forty-three years a resident of Wapello county, he is widely known and the many sterling traits of his character have gained him the favorable regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact through business or social relations. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF WAPELLO COUNTY IOWA ILLUSTRATED VOLUME II CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1914 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/iafiles/ File size: 5.2 Kb