Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Lowenberg, J. A. 1867 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


J. A. Lowenberg, engaged in the general practice of law and also well known in
connection with the abstract business, which he conducts under the name of the
Ottumwa Title & Loan Company, is a native of Wapello county and has made for
himself a creditable place in its professional and business circles. He was born
on the 15th of March, 1867, and is a son of Jacob Lowenberg, a native of Ohio,
born March 4, 1838. The father was a farmer by occupation and in 1852 came to
Iowa, at which time he took up his abode upon a farm that is still his home. He
became one of the early residents of this district, and his well spent life has
brought him substantial return in a material way and has gained for him the warm
regard and respect of those with whom he has been brought in contact. His wife,
who bore the maiden name of Ellen Fair, was born in Maryland, August 24, 1842,
and came with her parents to Iowa in 1854. Tel Mr. and Mrs. Lowenberg were born
five children: Delpha M., the wife of J. C. Miller of this county; J. A.; Cora
E., the wife of F. L. Connelly, of Chicago; Floy L., who died at the age of nine
years; and Roy R., also of Chicago.

At the usual age J. A. Lowenberg entered the public schools and was graduated
from the high school of Ottumwa with the class of 1883, when but fifteen years
of age, having manifested special aptitude in his studies. He then returned to
his father's farm, where he remained for five or six years, but, thinking that
he would find a professional career more congenial than agricultural pursuits
and deciding upon the law, he entered the office of Judge E. L. Burton and later
continued his reading under the direction of Judge Steck, with whom he remained
for two years. He was then admitted to the bar after successfully passing the
required examination and was licensed to practice before the supreme court. He
has continued in the active work of his profession since 1891, engaging in
general law practice, and with the exception of eight months spent in Hedrick
has remained continuously in Ottumwa. His ability is pronounced, and his skill
in analyzing and handling intricate and complex problems of law is manifest in
the many verdicts which he has won favorable to the interests of his clients. He
owns the stock of the Ottumwa Title & Loan Company, an abstract business, and is
the owner and manager of the Wapello County Commercial Agency. Both branches of
his business are proving profitable, but his time and attention are concentrated
most largely upon his professional interests, and his fidelity to his clients
has become proverbial.

Mr. Lowenberg has been twice married. On the 10th of October, 1896, he was
united in marriage to Nettie Cunningham, a daughter of John H. Cunningham, a
blacksmith by trade. She died January 12, 1900, leaving two children, Miriam E.
and Morris C. On the 14th of August, 1905, Mr. Lowenberg was again married, his
second union being with Miss Blanche E. Davis, a daughter of J. A. Davis, now
deceased. Her father made farming his life work. Her mother, Mrs. Lizzie W.
(Russell) Davis, is still living. In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Lowenberg are
three children, Norma B., Floyd D. and Thelma A. Mr. Lowenberg belongs to the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the
Modern Maccabees and the Yeomen, and both he and his wife are connected with the
Rebekah degree of Oddfellowship. Their religious faith is that of the Baptist
church and in Ottumwa and throughout Wapello county, where they are widely and
favorably known, they have many warm friends. Mr. Lowenberg deserves the success
which has come to him and which has placed him among the substantial lawyers of
his native county.

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