Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Linton, Walter Allen 1879 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Walter Allen Linton is a recognized factor in business circles of Ottumwa as the
owner of the Roseland Fuel Company, a wholesale and retail coal concern. His
birth occurred in Ainsworth, Washington county, Iowa, on the 25th of October,
1879, his parents being William C. and Anna (Fisher) Linton, the former born in
Kingston, Canada, on the 24th of January, 1850, and the latter in Ottawa,
Illinois, on the 30th of January, 1852. William C. Linton came to Iowa in 1877
and four years later took up his abode in Wapello county, having resided here
continuously during the third of a century which has since elapsed. When a youth
of fourteen years he worked as telegraph operator at a salary of one hundred
dollars per month. He acted as chief train dispatcher in the service of the Rock
Island Railway for a number of years and is now successfully engaged in the
insurance business. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Linton have four surviving children,
as follows: Orville E., who is a mail carrier of Ottumwa; William, a resident of
Davenport; Walter Allen, of this review; and Lester M., living in Chicago.

Walter A. Linton acquired his education in Ottumwa, completing the high-school
course with the class of 1901. The following year he became identified with the
coal business as an employe of the Roseland Fuel Company, going to the mines and
familiarizing himself with the work in every department. At that time the
company owned a mine in Wapello county and another at Centerville, Appanoose
county. Mr. Linton worked with the concern until 1908, when he purchased a half
interest and in 1909 bought the remaining stock, having since been the sole
owner of the Roseland Fuel Company. He conducts both a wholesale and retail
business and employs on an average twenty-five men, utilizing the output of two
mines. The offices of the company are at No. 129 East Second street in Ottumwa.
Mr. Linton has sought success along legitimate lines nor fails to accomplish
what he undertakes, for his carefully formulated plans have their root in good
judgment and progressiveness.

On the 5th of June, 1907, Mr. Linton was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth N.
Loomis, a native of Ottumwa, Iowa, and a daughter of E. C. and Ella (Lawrence)
Loomis. The father is now living retired, but the mother has passed away. Our
subject and his wife have one daughter, Mildred.

In politics Mr. Linton is independent, always considering the fitness and
capability of a candidate as of more importance than his party affiliation. He
is a valued member of the First Congregational church, in which he served as
treasurer for several years, and has always taken an active interest in church
work and also in the activities of the Young Men's Christian Association. He
likewise belongs to the Country Club and is popular in both business and social
circles of the city in which practically his entire life has been spent.

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