Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Leeny, Patrick 1871 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Patrick Leeny, mayor of Ottumwa, is actuated in all of his public service by an
unfaltering devotion to the general good that has its root in a belief that
patriotism finds its best expression in a helpful attitude toward municipal and
civic interests.

He was born in Jefferson county, Iowa, in 1871, a son of John and Rebecca Leeny,
the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Iowa. In their family were five
children, who were left motherless when Patrick Leeny was a little lad of seven
years. Since her death Ottumwa's present mayor has earned his own living and
though difficulties and obstacles have confronted him, seemingly at times almost
insurmountable, he has steadily pursued his way and has gained not only a fair
measure of success, but also more than local distinction in connection with
public affairs. His educational opportunities were only such as the common
schools afforded, and even then the necessity of providing for his own support
prevented him from attending school to the age when most boys put aside their
text-books. He was early employed in carrying water to section hands employed by
the railroad company, and when he was seventeen years of age he became a
brakeman on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, and afterward worked as a
switchman on the same road. He was connected with railway interests until called
to public office, and he is a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,
belonging to the local organization, No. 537. Since age conferred upon him the
right of franchise he has given his allegiance to the democratic party, and upon
that ticket he was elected alderman of the sixth ward, and in 1913 was elected
to the office of mayor on the commission form of government, with ten candidates
in the field. Notwithstanding that both newspapers and all of the banks were
against him, Mr. Leeny was elected. He made his canvass upon the question of
equality between the rich and poor, without discrimination in favor of either,
tie holds to progressive ideas, getting far away from the old belief that party
lines must be strictly followed and that party welfare is above the right of the
individual citizen.

In 1891 Mr. Leeny was united in marriage to Miss Mary Summers, a native of
Wapello county, and to them have been born two children, Agnes and James A., but
death claimed their first born. The son and his mother are members of the
Catholic church. Mr. Leeny is connected with various fraternal organizations,
belonging to the Moose, the Eagles, the Red Men, the Maccabees and the Yeomen.
In all of those lodges he is well known and prominent. He may truly be called a
self-made man, for his advancement has come as the direct result of his
capability, his earnestness, his industry and his laudable ambition. Gradually
he has worked his way upward and he stands today among those whose worth is
recognized and whose work has been of practical value to the city of his

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