Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Lancey, John 1840 - 1907
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


John Lancey, who has departed this life, was well known in Richland township and
Wapello county and at his death left behind many warm friends who esteemed him
highly for his sterling traits of character. He was a native of Devonshire,
England, born November 25, 1840, and was a son of Philip and Fanny Lancey, who
were also natives of the same country, in which they spent their entire lives.
They had a family of seven children, two of whom are yet living in England.

John Lancey was reared and educated in that country. He had no special
advantages at the outset of his career, but he possessed the substantial
qualities of energy and industry and upon these he builded his later success.
Ere he left his native land he was married to Miss Eliza Colkins, who was born
in England and is a daughter of William and Elizabeth Colkins, who were likewise
natives of Devonshire that country, where they remained until called to their
final rest. They had a family of nine children, three of whom survive.

It was on the 3d of August, 1862, that Mr. Lancey was married, after which he
removed with his young wife to Wales, where he remained for more than two
decades, or until 1884, when they sailed for the United States. They did not
tarry on the eastern coast, but made their wav at once into the interior of the
country, settling at Kirkville, where they remained for two years. Mr. Lancey
carried on coal mining for two years and then purchased a farm of one hundred
and forty-two acres on section 20, Richland township. This he at once began to
develop and improve, erected good buildings and added many modern equipments and
accessories as the years passed on, including the latest improved machinery.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Lancey were born twelve children: Edward, Mary A., William and
John, all of whom have passed away; James, who follows farming in Richland
township; Mary Ann, at home; Elizabeth, the wife of Davis Orr; Thomas, living in
Ottumwa; Margaret, the wife of John A. Fosburg; Edward and David, both living in
Ottumwa; and Katharine, the wife of David Truman, of Monroe county.

The death of the husband and father occurred November 10, 1907, and he was laid
to rest in the Kirkville cemetery. Many friends, as well as his immediate
family, mourned his loss, for he had proved his worth as a man and citizen
during the years of his residence here. Mrs. Lancey still owns the old home
farm, upon which she resides with her daughter. She is a member of the Methodist
Episcopal church at Kirkville and, like her husband, she has many warm friends
in this part of the state, where she has lived almost continuously since coming
to America in 1884.

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