Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Lambert, Edward L. 1881 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Edward L. Lambert is manager of the Cedar Rapids Gas Company at Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. He is, however, well known in Ottumwa and Wapello county, for during two
years he was general manager of the Ottumwa Gas Company, to which position he
was appointed in May, 1912. His birth occurred in Jacksonville, Illinois, on the
6th of October, 1881, his parents being Edward C. and Belle (Short) Lambert,
likewise natives of Jacksonville, the former born in 1849 and the latter in
1859. Edward C. Lambert still resides in that city and is now living retired.
Unto him and his wife were born three children, as follows: Anne, who gave her
hand in marriage to Edward Clifford, of Evanston; Helen, the wife of John C. T.
Tillson, of Fort Riley, Kansas; and Edward L., of this review.

The last named acquired his early education in the public schools of his native
city, subsequently attended the Illinois College of Jacksonville and in 1902 was
graduated from Culver Military Academy. Since putting aside his text-books he
has been identified with gas companies, being in the service of the United Light
& Railway Company, with headquarters at Grand Rapids. In May, 1912, he went to
Ottumwa, Iowa, and ably managed the interests of the Ottumwa Gas Company until
transferred to his present position. After taking control in Ottumwa he erected
entire new works and expended about two hundred thousand dollars in
improvements, including a new office at the corner of Main and Court streets.
The company prospered under his administration and he gained enviable
recognition as a young man of splendid executive ability and sound judgment. He
carries to his new position the experience gained in former business connections
and will doubtless display the same ability and spirit of enterprise which has
already marked his course in business.

On the 2d of May, 1907, Mr. Lambert was united in marriage to Miss Marion
Courtney, a native of Silver Creek, New York, and a daughter of W. H. and
Elisabeth Countney, both of whom are deceased. Her father was formerly the vice
president of the Des Moines, Iowa Falls & Northern Railway Company. Mr. Lambert
is a popular member of the Wapello and Country Clubs and is identified
fraternally with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Masons, while
his religious faith is that of the Episcopal church. In matters of citizenship
his influence and support are given on the side of advancement and progress, and
he holds to high standards in man's personal relations with his fellowmen. No
one who knows Edward L. Lambert doubts that he will win a large circle of warm
friends in his new home as well as the high regard of business associates.

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