Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Kidd, Fred Z. 1873 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Fred Z. Kidd has been actively engaged in business as a druggist of Ottumwa
since April, 1905, and has won well merited prosperity in this connection. His
birth occurred in Wisconsin on the 2d of June, 1873, his parents being R. A. and
Melissa (Kaufman) Kidd, the former born in Ohio, in 1841, and the latter a
native of West Point, Lee county, Iowa. R. A. Kidd, who served in the Civil War
as a member of Company D, Forty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, followed
farming in the Badger state until the time of his demise. His widow now makes
her home with our subject. Their three surviving children are as follows: G. A.,
who is a resident of Oelwein, Iowa; L. D., living in New York city; and Fred Z.,
of this review.

The last named acquired his early education in the common schools of his native
state and later pursued a high-school course at Oelwein, Fayette county, Iowa.
He was subsequently employed in a general store for two years and on the
expiration of that period entered the Highland Park College of Pharmacy in Des
Moines, being graduated from that institution on the 25th of June, 1895. During
the two following years he was associated in the drug business with A. C. Wilson
at Oelwein and later embarked in that business at Allerton, Wayne county, Iowa,
there remaining for six years. Subsequently he spent two years in the drug
business at Eddyville, this county, and then sold out and came to Ottumwa in
April, 1905, purchasing the establishment of Mrs. Orr at No. 632 West Second
street. At the end of four years in that location he removed his stock to the
corner of West Second and McLane streets, where he has since conducted business,
carrying a general line of drugs and druggists' sundries, as well as paints and
oils, and also maintaining a sub postal station in his store. He belongs to the
National Association of Retail Druggists and the Iowa Pharmaceutical Association
and enjoys a foremost place among the prosperous retail merchants of Ottumwa.

On the 27th of December, 1899, Mr. Kidd was united in marriage to Miss Myrtle
Clawson, a native of Illinois and a daughter of William and Minnie Clawson, who
arc residents of Allerton, Iowa. The father offered his services in St. Louis at
the time of the Civil war but was rejected on account of physical disability. He
went to the front nevertheless and served for two years. In 1880, by special act
of congress, he was mustered in, honorably discharged and paid for his services.
He is an agriculturist by occupation and now receives a pension. Our subject and
his wife have two children, Frederick Allen and Pauline Lenore.

In politics Mr. Kidd is a republican, loyally supporting the men and measures of
that party at the polls. He is a worthy exemplar of the Masonic fraternity,
belonging to Lodge No. 16, A. F. & A. M.; Clinton Chapter, No. 9, R. A. M.;
Malta Commandery, No. 31, K. T.; and the Mystic Shrine. He is likewise
identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Loyal Order of Moose,
the Modern Woodmen of America and the Country Club. His entire career has been
characterized by high ideals and noble principles and in every relation of life
his record has ever measured up to a high standard of honorable manhood.

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