Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Kaiser, Christian 1842 - 1906 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/iafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 July 6, 2013, 11:22 pm Source: See Below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher CHRISTIAN KAISER. Christian Kaiser, who departed this life February 28, 1906, was born at Crossen on the Oder in Germany, July 9, 1842, a son of George and Anna (Purtz) Kaiser, who were also natives of the same locality. In the year 18159 they left that country and with their family came to the United States, arriving at Agency, Iowa. On the 6th of July, 1866, they came to Ottumwa, where they remained until called to their final rest, the father dying July 22, 1889, when in his eighty-first year, while the mother passed away March 11, 1904, in her eighty-ninth year. The active life of George Kaiser was devoted to farming. In the family were four sons, Frederick, John, Christian and Adolph, but all are now deceased. Christian Kaiser was a youth of seventeen years when the family left Germany and came to the United States. Thereafter he was a resident of Iowa, and from 1866 made his home continuously in Wapello county. He was reared upon a farm and early became familiar with the duties and labors falling to the lot of the agriculturist, but after attaining his majority he removed to the city and was engaged in the brewing business with the firm of Hofmann & Kraner. Later hie engaged in the mercantile business, but about twelve years prior to his death he retired from active life, giving his attention merely to the supervision of his investments. From time to time he had purchased real estate until his holdings were extensive and important, including considerable residence and business property in Ottumwa. By the acquirement of his realty he was able to leave his family in very comfortable financial circumstances. On the 8th of December, 1871, Mr. Kaiser was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Louise Schultz, who is also a native of the locality in which occurred the birth of Mr. Kaiser, her natal day being June 28, 1844. She came alone to the new world in 1869. Four children were born of this marriage: Anna Elizabeth, now the wife of H. A. Coughlin, of Chariton, Iowa; Theodore A., who is in Chicago; Christopher J., a resident of Richmond, California, and Martha Louise, who is at home and looks after her mother's interests. She is very active in the work of the Episcopal church. Mr. Kaiser was reared in the faith of the Lutheran church, but as there was no organization of that denomination in Ottumwa he attended and supported the Episcopal church. In the business world his success was attributable entirely to his own efforts, and whiile actively engaged in business he manifested close application and unremitting energy. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF WAPELLO COUNTY IOWA ILLUSTRATED VOLUME II CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1914 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/iafiles/ File size: 3.3 Kb