Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Jaques, W. H. C. 1841 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Captain W. H. C. Jaques, of the law firm of Jaques & Jaques, is the Nestor of
the Wapello county bar, and his professional career has been one of growing and
gratifying success. He has always made a specialty of trial cases and is
recognized as one of the strongest trial lawyers in this part of the state. His
birth occurred near Abingdon, Virginia, October 29, 1841, his parents being
William and Mary Jaques, who were natives of England, in which country they were
reared. They were married, however in Virginia, and in the fall of 1848 left
that state for the middle west with Fort Madison, Iowa, as their destination. In
1849 they went to Jefferson county, where they spent their remaining days, the
father engaging in farming, brick laying and plastering. He died at the age of
sixty-seven years, while his wife passed away at the age of seventy-seven.

In their family were four sons and two daughters, of whom Captain Jaques is the
eldest son and third child. He was a little lad of about seven years when the
family home was established in Iowa, and he has since resided within the borders
of this state, fie remained under the parental roof until 1862 and then, at the
age of about twenty-one years, enlisted for service in the Civil war as a member
of Company D, Nineteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, with which he served for a
year and a half. He then became captain of Company V, Fifty-sixth United States
Colored Troops, with which he remained until the close of the war. In fact his
military duty continued until the fall of 1866 with the Army of the Frontier,
being on duty in Missouri and Arkansas and later at Vicksburg, Jackson and
Lawrence, Mississippi. He likewise served on staff duty while a commissioned
officer. His military experience was one of long duration and brought him into
active connection with almost every phase of military life. He never faltered,
and the bravery and courage which he displayed won him distinction as a soldier.

In the fall of 1866 Captain Jaques returned from the front and entered the
Harvard Law School, spending one year there in preparation for the profession.
In the spring of 1867 he came to Ottumwa and here completed his law reading,
being admitted to the bar in the fall of 1867. He has engaged in general
practice since 1868 and today is the oldest representative of the bar in Wapello
county in years of continuous practice. He has been very successful from the
beginning, early proving his ability to cope with intricate and complex problems
of the law. He has made trial cases a specialty and his strength in presenting
his cause and proving his point has been again and again demonstrated, the court
records bearing testimony to his ability.

Captain Jaques' activity has covered connection with public office. He served as
citv solicitor for three consecutive terms and at an early day was deputy
collector of internal revenue. His political allegiance has always been given
the democracy, and he has been his party's candidate for district judge and
judge of the state supreme court, on both of which occasions he ran far ahead of
his ticket.

In 1869 Captain Jaques was united in marriage to Miss Florence Williams, a
native of Indiana. She is a lady of superior culture and intelligence and is
greatly interested in many of the important civic and public questions of the
day. For many years she has been president of the Humane Society of Ottumwa and
has done splendid work in that connection. To Captain and Mrs. Jaques have been
born three children: Estella W., now the wife of Edward Moehn of Chicago; Jo R.,
a Yale graduate of 1894, and now a partner of his father; and Mabel M., the wife
of H. R. Galbraith of Dubuque, Iowa.

Captain Jaques wears the little bronze button that indicates his membership in
the Grand Army of the Republic. He is also a member of the Loyal Legion and of
the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He has been president of the Fishing
and Hunting Club since its organizationa connection which indicates something
of the nature of his interests and recreation. His standing in professional
circles and the honor entertained for him bv fellow members of the bar is
indicated in the fact that for the past eight years he has been president of the
Wapello Bar Association.

His son and partner, Jo R. Jaques, was born in Ottumwa, February 13, 1873, and
has spent his entire life in this city. Following his graduation from the high
school with the class of 1890, he spent three years as a student in the State
University, devoting one year to the law course. He afterward matriculated in
Yale University as a law student and completed his course there with the class
of 1894. The same year he was admitted to the bar and began practice, entering
into partnership with his father. The firm today has an extensive practice,
covering southern Iowa and northern Missouri. The ability of the father and son
is pronounced and in their practice they have ever held to high professional
standards. Their devotion to their clients' interests is proverbial, yet they
never forget that they owe a still higher allegiance to the majesty of the law.

In 1892 Jo R. Jaques was married to Miss Kate Rupe, a native of Wapello county,
and a daughter of Enoch Rupe, a farmer of this county. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jaques
are well known in this section of the state and, like the older couple, they
occupy a leading position in the social circle in which they move. Like his
father, Jo R. Jaques is a democrat in his political views. The interests of the
two are largely identical, and the work of the son ably supplements that of the
father and has maintained the high professional reputation always connected with
the name of Jaques.

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