Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Hoppman, F. W. 1859 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Very Rev. F. W. Hoppmann, rector of St. Mary's church of Ottumwa, was born in
Burlington, Iowa, November 8, 1859, a son of Ignatz and Frances (Northmann)
Hoppmann, who were natives of Ecklingerode province, Saxony, Germany, where they
were reared and married. Following their voyage across the Atlantic to the new
world they made their way to Galva, Illinois, in 1855; and two years later
removed to Burlington, Iowa, where they spent their remaining days. The father
was a teamster and rock contractor, conducting business in connection with an
uncle for many years. They were the owners of rock quarries and had a liberal
patronage. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Hoppmann were born five children, the Rev.
F. W. Hoppmann being the third, having two sisters older and two sisters younger
than himself. These are all married, two of the sisters living in Chicago, one
in Iowa City and one in California.

Rev. Hoppmann was reared in Burlington and attended parochial schools there
until thirteen years of age, when he went to Calvary, Wisconsin, and entered the
St. Lawrence College, in which he continued as a student for five years. He then
completed a year's course with the Jesuit fathers at Buffalo, New York, being a
student in Canisius College. He afterward entered St. Joseph College at Dubuque
for his philosophic course and after a year there spent three years in St.
Francis College at Milwaukee.

He was ordained to the priesthood on the 20th of June, 1884, at St. Vincent,
Pennsylvania, and was assigned to duty at Richmond, Iowa, on the 3d of July of
that year. There he continued for seven years, after which he went to
Portsmouth, Shelby county, Iowa, where he spent three years. Later he had charge
of a church in St. Paul, Lee county, Iowa, and on the 25th of February, 1902,
came to Ottumwa as pastor of St. Mary's church. This is the Ottumwa deanery, and
there are three churches in this city. At Richmond he added a school and new
parochial residence to the parish property and improved the church to a large
extent. At Portsmouth he was instrumental in securing the erection of a new
house of worship and while there he also attended a mission each Sunday at
Panama, Iowa, which now has a good church and its own pastor. At St. Paul he did
all the preliminary work for a new parochial residence. Since coming to Ottumwa
he has done much repair work on school and church. He is mechanically inclined,
acts as his own architect and has done much planning and drafting. The results
achieved indicate his skill and excellence in this connection. Under his
guidance the various churches of which he has had charge have made substantial
progress, his work being attended by splendid results.

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Photo: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/wapello/photos/bios/hoppman753gbs.jpg

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