Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Hofmann, Frank P. 1876 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Frank P. Hofmann has for the past twelve years been identified with business
interests in Ottumwa as proprietor of a drug store in the Hofmann building and
has been accorded a gratifying patronage. His birth occurred in Ottumwa, this
county, on the 22d of November, 1876. His father, Bernhard Hofmann, a native of
Germany, came to Iowa about 1870 and has been connected with business interests
here as a manufacturer of oatmeal and as a brewer and also as a real-estate
operator. He erected the Hofmann building, one of the foremost office structures
in Ottumwa, and is still giving his attention to the supervision of his varied
business interests. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Maria Schlagater, is a
native of New York city and was but one year old when brought by her parents to
Wapello county, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Hofmann have six surviving children,
as follows: Carrie, who is the wife of J. F. Dings of Ottumwa; Frank P., of this
review; Dora, the wife of Monroe A. Thompson, of Tacoma, Washington; Wilhelmina,
at home; Ralph C., a resident of Los Angeles; and George B., living in Salt Lake

Frank P. Hofmann acquired his early education in the common schools of this
county and also attended a boarding school in St. Louis, while subsequently he
spent two years as a student in the State University of Iowa, of Iowa City. In
1902 he was graduated from the Northwestern University of Chicago with the
degree of Ph. G. The same year he opened a drug store in the Hofmann building in
Ottumwa and has conducted the same continuously since, carrying an extensive and
attractively arranged stock of drugs and druggists' sundries and being accorded
a liberal patronage.

On the 4th of October, 1905, Mr. Hofmann was united in marriage to Miss Isabelle
Matson, a native of Chicago, Illinois, and a daughter of C. R. and Isabelle
(Anderson) Matson. Her father served as sheriff of Cook county during all the
anarchist trouble, including the Haymarket riot, and gained renown as "the man
that tamed the anarchist." Some of the most famous cases of Cook county came up
during his incumbency as sheriff, one of these being the Cronin case. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Matson are now deceased. The former was a thirty-third degree Mason -
an honored and prominent representative of the fraternity. Mrs. Matson was a
well known club woman, belonging to the Chicago Woman's Club and many other
organizations. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Isabelle Hofmann founded the
first Lutheran church in Chicago. The wife of our subject pursued a high-school
course in Chicago and was also graduated from Mount Holyoke College with the
degree of A. B. She is a member of the Tourist and Fortnightly Clubs and for one
year acted as president of the Woman's Club. By her marriage she has become the
mother of one son, Philip Bernhard, who was born on the 25th of May, 1909.

Mr. Hofmann is a popular member of the Wapello and Country Clubs and is also
connected with the Beta Theta Pi and Theta Nil Epsilon fraternities. His
religious faith is that of the Episcopal church. In his native city he is widely
recognized as an esteemed and public-spirited citizen and one whose cooperation
can be counted upon to further any measure or movement calculated to promote the
general welfare.

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