Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Hite, Luther 1828 - 1913
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Luther Hite was one of the pioneers of Wapello county, passing away on his home
farm near Ottumwa, April 20, 1913, at the patriarchal age of eighty-five years.
He was an industrious farmer, a self-made man who acquired his earthly
possessions by his own efforts. When he died he owned a valuable three hundred
acre farmthe outward evidence of years of arduous labor and good business

Luther Hite was born in Greenfield, Ohio, February 10, 1828, a son of John and
Elizabeth (Ware) Hite, natives of Nelson county, Virginia. The father was born
May 11, 1799, and the mother July 3, 1804. They were early settlers of Ohio, the
mother passing away in that state, September 29, 1840. Her husband subsequently
came to Wapello county, Iowa, where he owned a farm upon which the Jefferson
school in Ottumwa now stands. In fact he donated this site for school purposes.
He later went to Clarinda, Iowa, where he died March 8, 1879. He was twice
married and there were five children born to the first union and four to the

Luther Hite was reared under the parental roof and received his schooling in
Ohio. In 1849, when he had reached his majority, he decided to seek the
opportunities of the middle west and came to Iowa where he devoted his energies
to farming. He led a quiet and industrious life, steadily improving his land,
erecting new buildings and making his farm one of the best of his neighborhood.
He gradually added to his holdings and at the time of his death owned three
hundred acres of most valuable land. He always followed up-to-date methods and
in the management of his enterprise showed good judgment and business ability.
All of his possessions were acquired through his own efforts, and there is great
credit due him because of his industry and perseverance in attaining a
substantial position in life.

Mr. Hite was twice married, his first union being with Miss Elizabeth Monroe,
who was born April 30, 1829, and died in Ottumwa. They had four children:
Elizabeth, deceased, whose birth occurred October 2, 1853, and who married W. G.
Smith; John, who was born November 26, 1856, and died April 12, 1880; Rosa, who
was born April 1, 1860, and died in 1861; and Frank, who was born August 1,
1862, and is an agriculturist of Jefferson county, Iowa, residing near Eldon. He
married Bertha Acton and has two children, Harold and Mary. On April 6, 1876,
Mr. Hite married again, this union being with Miss Elizabeth McCune, who
survives him and now resides on the home place. They had one child, Hervey W.,
born on the homestead June 15, 1879. There he has resided all his life and now
operates the farm. On February 17, 1904, he married Nellie Fern McElroy, who was
born in Wapello county, April 21, 1886, and is a daughter of John McElroy. To
this union have been born two children, Susie Helen and Lewis Luther. Mrs.
Elizabeth (McCune) Hite was born in Ireland, September 7, 1851, a daughter of
John and Eliza (Crighton) McCune, natives of Scotland, who were the parents of
four sons and four daughters. They emigrated from the land of Erin to America,
settling in Ohio when Mrs. Hite was yet a child. Before the Civil war they came
to Iowa, making their home in Wapello county, where both passed away. In this
connection it may be of interest to mention that Mr. Hite's mother, both of his
wives, his sister and a daughter were all named Elizabeth.

Mr. Hite was a republican, quietly supporting that party and always discharging
faithfully his citizen's duties) He often gave support to valuable enterprises
but had no taste for public office. He was a devout Presbyterian and a charter
member of the First Presbyterian church of Ottumwa. He died April 20, 1913, and
with him passed from the stage of life one of the best beloved men in the county
and one who had been of much use to his fellow citizens. His many friends
cherish his memory as that of a man who was guided by the highest purposes in

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Photo: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/wapello/photos/bios/hite860gbs.jpg

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