Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Hartman, George F. 1871 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


George F. Hartman is one of the successful business men of Eddyville, being a
member of the firm of Schafer & Hartman, furniture dealers and undertakers. He
was born in this city, April 28, 1871, his parents being August and Sophronia
(Miller) Hartman, the father a native of Sweden and the mother of Indiana. The
former emigrated to America in the early '60s and subsequently located in
Wapello county, where he is still living, his wife having passed away. In their
family were eight children: Edgar, of Colorado; W. A., a resident of Eddyville;
George F., of this review; R. T., who makes his home in Cedar Rapids; Clara, of
Lakonta; C. E., of Des Moines; Oscar, of Valley Junction; and Grace, the wife of
F. D. Lanning, of Lakonta, Iowa.

George F. Hartman remained at home until eighteen years of age, attending the
common and high schools and enjoying fair educational advantages. He then took a
trip to California, going to Clipper Gap, where he remained for one year as
foreman in a box factory. He then returned to Iowa, where he worked with his
father in building bridges for railroad companies. Subsequently he was for four
and one-half years fireman on a locomotive and for the next five and one-half
years held the position of engineer on the Rock Island Railroad. At the end of
that time he had acquired the means which permitted him to purchase an interest
in the furniture and undertaking business of Mr. Schafer, the firm becoming
Schafer & Hartman. Mr. Hartman is trustworthy and follows the highest business
principles, believing in standing bv his customers and treating them with the
utmost fairness. He is courteous and obliging and it is therefore no wonder that
the business has increased from year to year. The firm also maintains an
undertaking department which is modernly equipped so that they can take care of
the most elaborate funerals.

In 1893 Mr. Hartman married Miss Minnie B. Schafer, and they have three
children: George, Jr., who was born November 28, 1894, a graduate of the high
school and now attending college at Ames; Blanche M., born September 27, 1899;
and Mildred, born September 8, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman are members of the
Congregational church, the services of which they regularly attend. Both are
members of Lodge No. 99 of the Eastern Star, and Mr. Hartman is also a member of
Lodge No. 74, A. F. & A. M., in which he has filled all of the chairs. He also
belongs to Homestead Lodge, No. 98, of the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, and
is popular in these fraternal organizations. For eight years he has served on
the city council of Eddyville, giving his support to all progressive measures
which he deems of great benefit to the city, and for two terms held the position
of township clerk. He is an enterprising business man, a useful citizen and a
steadfast friend.

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Photo: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/wapello/photos/bios/hartman745gbs.jpg

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