Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Fairchild, Albert J. 1858 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Albert J. Fairchild owns and operates a farm of seventy acres on sections 15 and
22, Center township. Here he took up his abode on the 25th of November, 1913. He
had previously been the owner of other farm property in the county and in fact
has long been numbered among its representative agriculturists. He was born in
Richland township on the 6th of October, 1858, and is a son of Seth and Mary
(Parks) Fairchild, the former a native of Connecticut and the latter of
Pennsylvania. In early life Seth Fairchild removed to Tennessee and afterward
came to Iowa, and it was in this state that he was married. His wife came here
with her parents from Pennsylvania, the family home being established near
Agency. They were among the first white settlers in this part of the state and
resided in a bark tent until a more suitable habitation could be prepared. Mary
Parks became the wife of James Sellers, who died about sixty-five years ago.
There were seven children of that marriage, one of whom, John Sellers, was born
in Indiana and at nineteen years of age enlisted from Ottumwa, the date of his
enlistment being August 24, 1861. He was killed in the battle of Pea Ridge on
the 7th of March, 1862, and was buried in the National cemetery in Arkansas, his
being grave No. 46 in section 2. The other six children of the first marriage
are still living, and Isaiah Sellers resides on the old home place in Richland

It was in this county that Seth Fairchild married Mrs. Mary (Parks) Sellers, and
the remainder of their lives was spent upon the home farm in Richland township.
He reared the children of his wife's first marriage, giving to them the same
parental care and affection which he bestowed upon his own children, who were
two in number: Jane, who is living in Eldon; and Albert J. The father departed
this life in April, 1862, at the age of seventy-eight years, while the mother,
surviving until 1898, died at the age of eighty-four years.

Albert J. Fairchild has spent his entire life in Wapello county. He was reared
in the usual manner of farm lads, early becoming familiar with the best methods
of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. The occupation to which he was
reared he has made his life work. He continued in Richland township until the
28th of January, 1913, when he removed to Ottumwa, where he lived until
November, 1913. He then located upon his present farm, comprising seventy acres
on sections 15 and 22, Center township. He has sold his farm of one hundred and
forty-five acres in Richland township, and devotes his attention to his present
place, which is well developed and indicates his careful supervision and
progressive methods. He has always stood for advancement in farm work, and his
industry and energy have been crowned with a measure of success that is most

At the same time Mr. Fairchild has cooperated in many movements for the general
good and has filled a number of public offices. He acted as township trustee,
was also justice of the peace, and in 1909 was elected county supervisor, which
position he filled for three years, being chairman of the board at the time the
present jail was built. It was he who cast the deciding vote in favor of the
clock in the court house. In public office, as in private life, he has ever
stood for advancement and improvement, yet he has never believed in the useless
expenditure of public funds, but rather in the economical and businesslike
administration of public affairs.

On the 22d of December, 1881, Mr. Fairchild was united in marriage to Miss
Louisa Hardesty, who was born in Richland township, June 24, 1858, a daughter of
Thomas and Maria (Stevenson) Hardesty. The father was a native of North Carolina
and an early settler of Wapello county. Both he and his wife spent their last
days in Richland township. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild have been born ten
children, five of whom survive, as follows: Thomas C., now living in Minnesota;
Manley A., at home; S. Ray, who is attending a medical college in Louisville,
Kentucky; Opal, a student in the Ottumwa schools; and Mary, also in school. The
family is widely and favorably known in Center township.

Mr. Fairchild has been a resident of this county for almost fifty-six years and
has therefore witnessed much of its progress and development as time has passed
on. Many events which are to others matters of history are known to him from
actual experience, and he has ever rejoiced in the changes which have occurred
where progress has been made. He has deep attachment for the county and may well
be termed one of its representative citizens.

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