Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Edmunds, Harry L. 1872 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Harry L. Edmunds, engaged in the real-estate and insurance business in Ottumwa,
has been a resident of Wapello county for three decades and is numbered among
its enterprising and prosperous citizens. His birth occurred in Great Britain on
the 19th of January, 1872, his parents being Lewis and Charlotte (Thomas)
Edmunds, also natives of Great Britain, the former born in 1840. Lewis Edmunds,
who was identified with mercantile interests throughout his active business
career, crossed the Atlantic to the United States and took up his abode in
Wapello county, Iowa, in 1884. For ten years he was connected with the Western
Supply Company at Kirkville, this county, and on the expiration of that period
removed to Ottumwa, here conducting a grocery and meat market until about 1912,
since which time he has lived retired in the enjoyment of the fruits of his
former toil. He has many friends in the community, having won the regard and
esteem of all with whom, he has come in contact through business and social
relations. The demise of his wife occurred in September, 1906. Their five
surviving children are as follows: Harry L., of this review; Alfred T., who is a
resident of Ottumwa; Anna E., who gave her hand in marriage to H. C. Pedrick, of
Van Buren county, Iowa; Edith M., at home; and Z. Maude, who is the wife of C.
Schuyler Pratt of Fort Madison, Iowa.

Harry L. Edmunds, who was a lad of twelve years when he came to this county with
his parents, attended the common schools of Ottumwa and also pursued a course of
study in the Ottumwa Commercial College. Subsequently he purchased the agency of
Mr. Graham and has since devoted his time and energies to the real-estate and
fire insurance business, which has increased in volume about tenfold. He makes a
specialty of city business, and the success which has rewarded his efforts is
ample evidence of his ability and good judgment in this direction. His property
holdings embrace the Edmunds flats, comprising four apartments.

On the 21st of May, 1895, Mr. Edmunds was united in marriage to Miss Ola
Kitterman, a native of Wapello county and a daughter of E. C. and Matilda
(Giltner) Kitterman, who reside on a farm in Dahlonega township, this county.
Mr. Edmunds gives his political allegiance to the democracy, and his religious
faith is indicated by his membership in the Trinity Episcopal church. He is also
the secretary of the Brotherhood and a member of the Country Club. The circle of
his friends is a wide one, for he has ever displayed those sterling traits of
character which in every land and clime win confidence and regard. Mrs. Edmunds,
who has spent her entire life in Wapello county, also enjoys an extensive and
favorable acquaintance within its borders.

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