Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Diehn, August 1873 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


August Diehn has been an active and successful representative of industrial
interests in Ottumwa for the past fourteen years as an extensive manufacturer of
cigar boxes. His birth occurred in Davenport, Scott county, Iowa, on the 25th of
November, 1873, his parents being Henry and Fredericka (Wickboldt) Diehn, who
were born, reared and married in Germany. The father was born June 7, 1837, and
spent the first thirty years of his life in his native land. In 1867 he
emigrated to the United States and located in Davenport, Iowa, where he is still
actively engaged in business as a manufacturer of cigar boxes. His wife passed
away in the year 1897. They were the parents of six children, as follows:
Christian C., a native of Germany, who is now a resident of Davenport, this
state; Marie, born in Germany, who gave her hand in marriage to H. C. Goettsch
of Manning, Iowa; Henry, living in Davenport; August, of this review; Herman, a
resident of Davenport; and a daughter who is deceased.

August Diehn acquired his education in the public schools of Davenport and
subsequently pursued a commercial course in Duncan's Davenport Business College.
He afterward became connected with mercantile interests as clerk in a grocery
store and later embarked in business as a grocery merchant on his own account.
Prior to this time, however, and before taking a business course, he had spent
eight years in his father's cigar box factory, learning the business in
principle and detail. In 1900 he came to Ottumwa and purchased the interests of
Mr. Krabbenhoeft, a cigar box manufacturer, whose location he has occupied
continuously to the present time except that the building has been remodeled.
Mr. Diehn employs on an average ten men and has a running capacity of about one
thousand cigar boxes daily. In addition to his interests in this connection he
serves as president of the L. T. Crisman Company and director of the Ottumwa
Supply & Construction Company. He enjoys an enviable reputation as a business
man of ability and undoubted integrity and has won a well merited measure of
prosperity in his undertakings.

Mr. Diehn was united in marriage to Miss Charlotte Amelia Scharfenberg, a native
of Germany and a daughter of Peter Scharfenberg. They have three children,
namely: Verona Dorothy, Bernhardt Henry and August, Jr. The family residence is
at No. 180 North Ward street. Mr. Diehn gives his political allegiance to the
democracy and is identified fraternally with the Benevolent Protective Order of
Elks and the Knights of Pythias. Wherever known he is held in high esteem and
enjoys the friendship and regard of all with whom business or social relations
have brought him in contact. His success has been gained through his own
industry and good business ability, for he has always capably managed his
affairs, and is today one of the well-to-do citizens of his adopted county.

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