Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Deuser, G. William 1864 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/iafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 July 6, 2013, 10:27 pm Source: See Below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher G. WILLIAM DEUSER. G. William Deuser is the owner of three hundred and twenty-seven acres of valuable farm land, all in Competine township, and in connection with general farming he makes a specialty of stock-raising. He was born September 25, 1864, upon the farm which is still his place of residence, his parents being P. C. and Katharine (Wolf) Deuser, both of whom were natives of Germany. They came to America in 1849, the mother first going to Burlington, Iowa. The father first settled in Indiana, whence he came to Iowa, where his father bought a section of land which he afterward divided among his six children. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Deuser were married in Burlington, and he later purchased the old homestead farm upon which his son G. William now resides. With characteristic energv he began its development and improvement and continued to carry on general farming there until his death, which occurred in December, 1905. He had long survived his wife, who passed away in February, 1877. They had a family of eight children: G. William; Christian; J. T., living in Davenport, Iowa; Mary E., the wife of Carl Miller, of Competine township; and four who died in infancy. The youthful days of G. William Deuser were spent upon the old homestead, and he was thoroughly trained in farm work, while in the public schools he pursued his education. On attaining his majority he purchased the old home property and has always occupied it. His labors, however, have wrought changes in its appearance. He has erected a fine brick residence and has added other modern equipments, which have increased the value of the place and rendered it more attractive. He has also become owner of other property, making purchases from time to time until he now has three hundred and twenty-seven acres of fine land, all in Competine township. He has become well known as a stock-raiser and handles good grades of horses, cattle and hogs, and this branch of his business is proving profitable. On September 9, 1896, Mr. Deuser was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Ammenhauser, who was born in this county and is a daughter of Gerhardt and Elizabeth (Shaub) Ammenhauser, both of whom were natives of Germany. They crossed the Atlantic to the new world in the early '50s and made their way to Ohio, where they resided for a short time, after which they came to Wapello county, settling in Ottumwa, where their remaining days were passed. The father died August 10, 1878, and the mother's death occurred on the 25th of October, 1892. They had a family of eight children, of whom four are now living: Otto, a resident of Nebraska; Catherine; Ida, who is the widow of Jacob Flemming, of Ottumwa; and Gerhardt A., also of Ottumwa. Mr. and Mrs. Deuser have become the parents of two children: Ruth, who was born July 16, 1897, and is now a high-school student in Ottumwa; and one who died in infancy. The parents are members of the German Lutheran church, and their loyalty to its teachings has developed in them sterling traits of character which have placed them high in public regard. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF WAPELLO COUNTY IOWA ILLUSTRATED VOLUME II CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1914 Photo: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ia/wapello/photos/bios/deuser778gbs.jpg This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/iafiles/ File size: 3.9 Kb