Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Denny, William 1857 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


William Denny is proprietor of a general store in Dahlonega and is also
identified with agricultural interests in Dahlonega township. He was born in
Keokuk county, Iowa, August 12, 1857, and is a son of Benjamin and Martha
(Brooks) Denny, the former a native of England and the latter of Ohio. The
father came to America when twenty-one years of age and for a time remained in
the state of New York. Later, however, he came to Iowa and was married in this
state in the '40s. Here he resided until his death, remaining continuously upon
the farm which he entered from the government. It was a tract of wild land when
it came into his possession, not a furrow having been turned nor an improvement
made upon it, but with characteristic energy he began its development and
continued its cultivation until his demise, which occurred in 1905. His widow
still survives and is now in the eighty-third year of her age. In their family
were nine children: Matilda and John, both of whom have passed away; George,
living on the old homestead in Keokuk county, Iowa; Rachel, the wife of T. J.
Williams, also of Keokuk county; Samuel, now in Kansas; William, of this review;
Alice, the wife of A. Sykes of Des Moines; Frank and T. J., who have passed away.

William Denny was reared upon the old homestead with the usual experiences of
the farm lad, the public schools according him his educational advantages, while
thorough training in farm work made him familiar with the best methods of
cultivating the fields. However, believing that he would prefer a commercial
career, he turned his attention to merchandising by the establishment of a
general store in Dahlonega. He carries a, large and well selected stock and is
accorded a liberal patronage. He is also identified with agricultural interests,
being the owner of two hundred and thirty-six acres of rich and productive land
on sections 4, 8, 9 and 16 in Dahlonega township. He was also postmaster of the
village for a quarter of a century.

In 1883 Mr. Denny was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Goehring, who was born
in Dahlonega, August 15, 1865, and is a daughter of Louis and Helen (Fisher)
Goehring, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Pennsylvania. They
were among the pioneer settlers of Wapello county, arriving in 1852. From that
time until death called them they retained their residence here, and in this
county they reared their family of seven children, all of whom yet survive. Unto
Mr. and Mrs. Denny were born nine children: Benjamin L., who is a merchant of
Highland Center; Thomas F., who follows farming in Dahlonega township; William
D., also a farmer; Philip H., who is with his father in business; Leslie D., at
home; Mary R., who was born December 15, 1898, and died October 22, 1908; Victor
S.; Lillian R.; and Harold G. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church,
and Mr Denny holds membership with the Woodman of the World. When he acquired
the right to vote, having attained his majority, he became a supporter of
Democratic principles and for fourteen years has served as township clerk. He
has given practical proof of his interest in the welfare of the public schools
as he has served as secretary of the school board for twenty years. He is always
loyal to the best interests of the community, but prefers that office holding
shall be done by others rather than by himself. This leaves him free to
concentrate his energies upon his business affairs, and the capable management
of his interests has brought him a substantial measure of success.

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