Wapello County IA Archives Biographies.....Denny, Benjamin L. 1883 - 
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Source: See Below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


Benjamin L. Denny, who conducts a general mercantile establishment in Highland
Center, is to be numbered among Wapello county's successful business men. He was
born in this county May 27, 1883, and is a son of William and Mary Denny, whose
life record is treated at greater length in another part of this work. He
received his education in the county schools and remained under the parental
roof until twenty-three years of age. He then decided upon a mercantile career
and established himself in Highland Center, where he now conducts a general
store, carrying a complete and well assorted stock. His business policy has ever
been above reproach and as he is personally courteous and obliging, he enjoys a
large patronage, his customers coming to him from a wide territory. He is
up-to-date in his methods and carefully caters to local tastes and wants. His
displays are always attractive and his goods reliable, and it is therefore but
natural that his business is steadily growing. On November 10, 1910, Mr. Denny
was also appointed postmaster of Highland Center, and has since discharged the
duties of that office.

On Christmas day of 1905 Mr. Denny married Miss Maud E. Willard, who was born in
Marion, Kansas, and is a daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Thurman) Willard,
the father born in Pennsylvania and the mother in Kansas. The former died
September 16, 1908, and his widow is now residing near Ottumwa. In their family
were four children, all of whom are living. Mrs. Denny attended the Ottumwa high
school, making good use of her educational opportunities. She and her husband
have one son, Cullen Bane, who was born June 20, 1907. Politically Mr. Denny is
a democrat, being influential in the local councils of the party. He and his
wife attend the Christian church, to which they generously contribute, and
fraternally he is a member of Lodge No. 269, A. F. & A. M. He is respected by
his fellow citizens because of his manly qualities of character, because of his
business integrity and because he is a useful and public-spirited citizen.

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